Wolfgang Dietrich Asmus

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Wolfgang Dietrich Ludwig Erhard Konrad Heinz Valentin Asmus (born September 24, 1908 in Teterow ; † February 13, 1993 in Hanover ) was a German prehistorian .


Wolfgang Dietrich Asmus was born in Teterow in 1908 as the son of the physician and local researcher Rudolf (Wilhelm Friedrich Theodor) Asmus (1875–1965). After attending secondary school, he studied archeology , geology and anthropology at the universities of Rostock , Greifswald , Vienna and Kiel from 1928 to 1932 . In Rostock he joined the Baltia gymnastics club in the VC . In 1935 he received his doctorate in Kiel with a dissertation on pottery groups and tribal borders in Mecklenburg during the first two centuries after the turn of the century .

In the same year he became an employee at the Provincial Museum Hanover , today's Lower Saxony State Museum. Initially he worked as a research assistant, from 1940 as curator and from 1953 to 1974 as director of the prehistory department. In addition, he was state archaeologist for the former province of Hanover until 1961 . In 1950 he was co-founder, then secretary and until 1974 chairman (from 1975 honorary chairman) of the Lower Saxony State Association for Prehistory . From 1953 he was editor of the association's publication Die Kunde .

Just as his father Rudolf Asmus dealt with local history in addition to his profession as a doctor, so did his siblings. The sister Gisela Asmus (* 1905) became an anthropologist and prehistoric, the brother Gerhard Ulrich Asmus (* 1913) a doctor and local historian. All were authors of writings on the history of Mecklenburg.

Fonts (selection)

  • Pottery groups and tribal borders in Mecklenburg during the first two centuries after the turn of the times (dissertation, University of Kiel 1938).
  • From Teterow's bygone days. In: East Mecklenburg homeland. Volume 4, 1931, pp. 113-117 ( online ).
  • Mecklenburg's distress in the Thirty Years' War. In: East Mecklenburg homeland. Volume 4, 1931.
  • Teterow before and after the Thirty Years War. In: East Mecklenburg homeland. Volume 6, 1933, pp. 17-21 ( online ).
  • The Teterow coat of arms, a contribution to the city's history. In: East Mecklenburg homeland. Volume 6, 1933, pp. 105-107 ( online ).
  • Prehistoric finds, a neglected folk good. In: Mecklenburgische Monatshefte. 1933.
  • Bronze Age in the north. In: The customer. 1979.
  • The picture stone of Anderlingen and its connection to Scandinavia. In: The customer. 1990/1991.
As editor
  • The urn cemeteries in Lower Saxony. 8 volumes, Lax, Hildesheim 1961–1970 ( series founded by Carl Schuchhardt ).
  • six volumes in the series of publications of the prehistoric collections of the Lower Saxony State Museum in Hanover .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The handwritten entry in the Rostock matriculation portal names November 24th, 1908 (November 24th, 1908) as the birthday.
  2. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal
  3. ^ Frank Rozanski: Baltia Rostock 1883-2010. Legal historical consideration of a student association as part of its umbrella organization and its university. (= Rostock legal history series. Volume 12). Aachen 2013, p. 251.