Wolfgang Rings

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Wolfgang Rings (born May 14, 1943 in Hanover, died 2017) was a German diplomat who was ambassador to Eritrea between 1995 and 1998 and ambassador to Tanzania from 2004 to 2008 .


After attending school, rings completed an apprenticeship in the senior foreign service and then in the senior judicial service and then worked as a judicial officer at the Lehrte District Court and the Hanover Regional Court . In 1974 he returned to the Foreign Office and between 1974 and 1982 found employment in the senior service at the embassies in Niger and Singapore .

He then began his preparatory service for the higher foreign service in 1982 and, after graduating in 1984, joined the Foreign Office as a legation councilor . After working in the political departments at the Permanent Mission to the European Union in Brussels as well as at the embassies in South Africa and Namibia from 1986 to 1992 , he became deputy head of the budget department in the Federal Foreign Office in 1992.

In 1995, rings became the first ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Eritrea and held this position until he was replaced by Elmar Timpe in 1998.

After his return to Germany, he served as head of the budget department between 1998 and 2001 and then from 2001 to 2004 as commissioner for administrative reforms and security at the diplomatic missions in the Foreign Office.

Rings last took over the office of ambassador to Tanzania in 2004 , which he held until his retirement in 2008. His successor was the previous head of the Consulate General in Kaliningrad , Guido Herz .

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