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Television series
Original title Zebralla! - A grotesque family series
Logo Zebralla! .Svg
Country of production GermanyGermany Germany
original language German
Year (s) 2000-2001
Episodes 12 in 1 season
genre Sitcom
Director Dieter Hallervorden
script Frank Lüdecke
First broadcast December 19, 2000 on Das Erste

Zebralla! - A grotesque family series is a 12-part sitcom by Frank Lüdecke that was broadcast on ARD from 2000 to 2001 . The show was produced in the cabaret theater Die Wühlmäuse .


Ingo Zebralla receives a surprising visit from his atheist parents Jürgen and Gertrud Zebralla on Christmas Eve . They reveal to their son that they want a divorce after 40 years of marriage. In addition, Jürgen Zebralla would like to study political science again at the university at the age of 65 and is therefore moving - temporarily - in with his son. In the following course of the program there are always conflicts, above all between the rather narrow-minded and materially minded Ingo and his union-oriented and old-rebel father. There are also scenes at the university, in the (internet) restaurant, in the bank and in a computer shop, where Jürgen Zebralla regularly infects.

Structure of the episodes

Jürgen Zebralla constantly makes decisions that are atypical for his age, which his son always disapproves of. This often leads to a reversal of roles in which Jürgen appears as a rebellious youth and enforces his decisions against the resistance of his son. In the real world, the old-fashioned and naive Jürgen can rarely assert himself and is often not taken seriously by his counterpart. He modifies the arguments put against him in the course of the episodes and later brings them to his family - as his own opinion.


Most of the scenes were performed by members of the cabaret ensemble Die Wühlmäuse , which is directed by Hallervorden . The show included the following actors: Sophie Adell , Marc Bischoff , Jutta Boll , Manfred Breschke , Lorenz Claussen , Gabi Decker , Tom Deininger , Harald Effenberg , Evelyn Gressmann , Christian Habekost , Wilfried Herbst , Ernst Hilbich , Aykut Kayacık , Lotti Krekel , HH Müller , Robert Munzinger , Nikolaus Okonkwo , Lars Pape , Eberhard Prüter , Peter Scollin and Nicolai Tegeler .

Episode list

episode title First broadcast
1 The festival of love December 19, 2000
2 The contract January 2, 2001
3 The Sabbath year January 9, 2001
4th The Unit Group January 16, 2001
5 Pensioners without student loans January 23, 2001
6th Visit from Bonn January 30, 2001
7th Money is good February 13, 2001
8th The casting February 20, 2001
9 The frozen one May 1, 2001
10 Young entrepreneurs May 8, 2001
11 Little crooks May 15, 2001
12 The extract May 22, 2001

DVD release

The complete series is contained in the DVD collection Die Großes Hallervorden TV Edition , released on December 7, 2012 . Since May 22nd, 2015 Zebralla is! also available separately on 2 DVDs with a playing time of 348 minutes.

Theater adaptation

On February 4, 2010, the play Zebralla! - Family affairs without a family in the Schlosspark Theater in Berlin premiered. In addition to Dieter Hallervorden as Jürgen Zebralla , Harald Effenberg also appeared as pastor from the old cast. Ingo Zebralla was portrayed by Jörg Zuch and Gertrud Zebralla by Jutta Eckhardt .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Zebralla! Retrieved May 4, 2015 .
  2. ZEBRALLA! Retrieved May 4, 2015 .