Thomas Mann Gymnasium (Budapest)

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Thomas Mann Gymnasium


Director Uwe Christiansen
Established 1908 (reest. 1990)
School type Public
Location Budapest, Hungary
School colours Red, yellow, black, green
Ribbon colour Bright blue
Affiliations UNESCO Associated Schools

Thomas Mann Gymnasium is a co-ed, fee-paying German-Hungarian international school in Budapest, Hungary. It is part of the network of German Auslandsschulen (German independent schools in foreign countries). The school was called "Deutsche Schule Budapest" until September 2004.


File:Thomas Mann Gymnasium and Budapest.JPG
Thomas Mann Gymnasium, Budapest, seen from the south. The red building houses the library, the south entrance is to the right. The building to the left is the first school building, currently housing the primary school.

The former Deutsche Schule Budapest was re-established on the foundations of the 1908 Reichsdeutsche Schule Budapest in the early 1990s by Baden-Württemberg, the Federal Government of Germany, the City of Budapest and the Hungarian government, in succession to a tradition of German abroad schools in Hungary dating back to the late 19th century. Since then, it has evolved into a state-of-the-art education facility for about 500 students, with forms from grade 1 to 4 (Grundschule) and 5 to 12 (Gymnasium).

The school is part of the German federal education system and accredited to issue the German Abitur/Reifeprüfung. At the same time, leavers of the Hungarian branch get the Hungarian Matura (Érettségi). The education between the 5th and the 10th grade is split into two branches. The S branch (forms with "s" designation, e.g. 6s - "S" stands for Seiteneinstieg, meaning "side entry" in German) is for Hungarian students, with strengthened German language education, while the A branch follows the regular curriculum of a German Gymnasium. In grade 10, the two branches are 'remixed' and their curricula differ only in minor points.


The Headmaster of the TMG is currently Uwe Christiansen, serving his fifth year. The school is co-governed by the Deputy Headmasters, one for the Hungarian branch (currently Mendly Lajos, in office since 2003) and one for the German branch (Niels Wallman, in office since 2004).


The TMG has a stringent academic curriculum, which is evidenced by a graduation rate of virtually 100%, and one of the highest admissions rates among Hungarian schools. While not coming top in the Neuwirth tables, the nationally accepted admissions rate table in Hungary, this is only because admissions to foreign universities, which make up for as much as 45% of all TMG graduates, are not recorded in the Neuwirth tables. Considering graduates enrolled at foreign institutions, the admissions rate is around 95%, currently beaten only by Fazekas.


Admission is in most cases through a preparatory course lasting a year, and is highly selective: from the more than 100 applicants who enroll in the preparatory course each year, no more than twenty are admitted. Besides outstanding elementary school grades and good performance at the preparatory course, good results at an intelligence test (Cattle-Koch) and a good overall impression on interviews as well as a well-rounded personality is required. Newly admitted entrants are required to pay a registration fee, currently €1,500.


The flags of the European Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Hungary in the school yard.

The TMG, as an independent school, has some tension resulting from wealth differences. While the school fees are high, especially in comparison with Hungarian circumstances, the school offers extensive need-based bursaries and scholarships. Nevertheless, TMG remains one of the most preppy educational establishments in Hungary, despite being less expensive than the American School in Nagykovácsi or SEK: fees start at €1550 and end at €3550, depending on the nationality of the pupils.

The school prides itself on its diversity, its students representing more than thirty different nationalities. National tensions are a thing of the past, and especially the higher forms (10-12) serve as examples of inter-cultural understanding, something that is emphasised in the compulsory Social Sciences course. The school is religiously independent, and offers Roman Catholic and Reformed religious education, as well as a confession-neutral course in ethics.


The TMG is one of currently nine Hungarian schools participating in the Model European Parliament project. TMG gave in the last 2 years three international delegates with a total of seven international session attendances and a President of National Session to the MEP. Students of the TMG/DSB have participated in several international and national projects. The Class of '05 won a first prize on the Federal Competition of Political Education in 2003, and the school had several contestants in the finals of the prestigious OKTV competition in the last few years. The school has close links to the prestigious Europa-Kolleg, a two-weeks research scholarship program for annually twenty high school student, organised by the state foundation of Lower Saxony, the Stiftung Niedersachsen.


The school soccer pitch, above the new school building, has an extraordinary view on the whole city and the Buda hills

Following the concept of education to a well-rounded personality, the school emphasises the importance of athletics. The school football team is one of the best school teams in Budapest, frequently playing (and defeating) other international schools in the area. The basketball first team has also had notable successes recently, not the least thanks to the annual student-teacher match on the last school day before Christmas break, widely attended by almost the whole student population.

The girls' volleyball team is also one of the best school teams in the area, represented in almost every major high school level tournament. Minority sports, such as hockey, similarly enjoy popularity as part of the very diverse PE curriculum. Four square (Australian rules) and Fives are popular with the lower grades, though less so since the restructuring of the campus. The school's sailing club and yacht squad organises outings every weekend at Lake Velence, where the school's holiday house is located.



Named after one-time school coach and PE teacher Gábor Gombócz, the Gombócz-Runde is a 1,3km cross-country run on an area near the school with extreme inclines and uphill parts. As such, it is strenuous exercise even for generally fit pupils. Tradition has it that every pupil has to run it at least once a semester to pass in PE, although this has lately been abandoned. The run itself nevertheless remains part of the PE curriculum. It is partly due to the tradition of the Gombócz-Runde that Thomas Mannians are regularly seen at various city marathons and charity runs.


The Adventsbasar is a flea market co-organised by the Parents' Conference that takes place in early December, but always after Szalagavató. It is a Christmas-themed event where most forms get a stall and sell pancakes, mulled wine, and various trinkets. The income usually goes to charity. The Adventsbasar is widely attended by alumni and has recently become a social event for more recent alumni to meet up.


Once finalists have passed their first semester of finals year and are admitted to leaving examinations, they are allowed to wear a distinctive bright-blue ribbon on their coats. The Szalagavató is the ceremony when the ribbons are officially handed over to the pupils. The Szalagavató takes place usually in late November to early December, and marks the final stage of a pupil's school career. It is usually a white tie event taking place in the school.


Ballagás is the actual ceremony of leaving school, on the last day of ordinary school schedules for the finalists. It takes place on the last Friday before the start of the preparatory and examination period, at the end of which the oral parts of the leaving examinations are taken. Finalists march through classrooms decorated with flowers for this purpose, singing traditional commercium songs, such as Gaudeamus Igitur.

Gárdony (school holiday house)

The school owns a holiday house in Gárdony, on the shore of Lake Velence. The house can accommodate more than thirty people, and has a fully equipped kitchen, community rooms and harbor facilities. It is a favorite destination for weekend form excursions during term-time, and it also serves as the base for the school sailing club. The mandatory 10th form maritime ecology, environmental chemistry and environmental biology practicals are usually held at the lake, involving bird observation, practical water chemistry and examination of samples, and environmental assay.

After graduation

TMG students graduate with top results and almost all of them proceed to select universities and facilities of further education. The graduation rate is virtually 100%, the admissions rate above 95%. Between 2000 and 2006, the TMG sent several students to Oxbridge, leading universities in Germany, including Heidelberg, the United States and Austria. There are significant contingents of old Thomas Mannians at the universities of Karlsruhe, Heidelberg, Munich and Oxford.


Website of the TMG
Which school? site of the TMG
Tagesspiegel article about the school
Satellite picture of campus