(3556) Lixiaohua

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(3556) Lixiaohua
Properties of the orbit ( animation )
Epoch:  4th September 2017 ( JD 2,458,000.5)
Orbit type Main belt asteroid
Asteroid family Gantrisch family
Major semi-axis 3.1730  AU
eccentricity 0.2158
Perihelion - aphelion 2.4883 AU - 3.8578 AU
Inclination of the orbit plane 9.2364 °
Sidereal period 5.65 a
Mean orbital velocity 16.75 km / s
Physical Properties
Medium diameter 20.085 km
Albedo 0.035
Absolute brightness 12.8 mag
Explorer Purple Mountain Observatory
Date of discovery October 30, 1964
Another name 1964 UO , 1981 YT 1
Source: Unless otherwise stated, the data comes from JPL Small-Body Database Browser . The affiliation to an asteroid family is automatically determined from the AstDyS-2 database . Please also note the note on asteroid items.

(3556) Lixiaohua is an asteroid of the main belt , which on 30 October 1964 at the Purple Mountain Observatory in Nanjing was discovered.

The asteroid was named after Li Xiaohua, a Beijing entrepreneur who founded many elementary and middle schools in remote Chinese locations.

The asteroid belongs to the Gantrisch family . This group of asteroids was previously called the Lixiaohua family until (3330) Gantrisch was assigned to the group, which, with its 35 km diameter, replaced the 20 km large (3556) Lixiaohua as the largest member of this family. Sometimes the old family name is still used.

The asteroids of this family have relatively chaotic orbital parameters seen over a long period of time, as several large asteroids in their vicinity such as (1) Ceres , (2) Pallas , (4) Vesta , (10) Hygiea , (52) Europa , (511) Davida and (704) Interamnia influence their orbits. It is believed that the members of this family formerly formed an original body about 220 km in size, which disintegrated about 155 million years ago in a cosmic catastrophe, as simulations of the asteroid orbits suggest.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b Dynamical portrait of the Lixiaohua asteroid family. In: B. Novaković, K. Tsiganis, Z. Knežević. 2010, accessed on July 13, 2017 .