Željko Komšić

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Željko Komšić

Željko Komšić [ ˈʒɛːʎkɔ ˈkɔmʃitɕ ] (born January 20, 1964 in Sarajevo , SR Bosnia and Herzegovina ) is a Bosnian politician of the Democratska fronta BH .


Komšić was born in 1964 in the then Yugoslav city ​​of Sarajevo as the son of a Bosnian Croat and a Bosnian Serb . He graduated from Sarajevo University in 1988 with a law degree. During the Bosnian War Željko Komšić served in the Bosnian army, the Armija Republike Bosne i Hercegovine . He also received the highest order, the Zlatni ljiljan (Golden Lily) .

After the war he embarked on a political career as a member of the Social Democratic Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina (SDP) . He was elected to the City Council of Sarajevo and was its chairman from 1998 to 2000. In the local elections in 2000 he was elected a member of the municipal council and then mayor of the municipality of Novo Sarajevo , one of the four municipalities of the city of Sarajevo . He held this office until 2001, when, after the establishment of diplomatic relations between Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, he was appointed Bosnia-Herzegovina's first ambassador to Belgrade. He resigned from his ambassadorial post in spring 2003. From 2003 to 2004 he was deputy mayor of the city of Sarajevo. In the local elections of 2004 he was re-elected mayor of the municipality of Novo Sarajevo and held this office until his election to the state presidency in October 2006.

In the 2006 elections, Komšić, the SDP candidate, won the Croatian seat in the three-person state presidium with around 39.6% of the votes cast for this seat. During the election campaign, Komšić claimed that he not only wanted to represent the Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina , but all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Various political forces of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian Croats, including the Croatian Democratic Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina , whose candidate Ivo Miro Jović had lost to Komšić in the presidential election, declared that they did not consider the election to be legitimate, as Komšić was mostly Bosniaks, but not was elected by the majority of Bosnian-Herzegovinian Croats.

In the presidium elections on November 10, 2010, Komšić was confirmed in his office with 60.6% of the votes, despite the previous controversies. This made him the presidium member with the best election result.

In July 2012, Komšić left the SDP. On April 7, 2013, he and others founded a new party in Sarajevo, the Demokratska fronta (“Democratic Front”) and was elected its president.

From July 10, 2013 to March 10, 2014 he was again acting president. In the 2018 election he was elected to the State Presidency for the third time.

Željko Komšić is a signatory of the 2017 declaration on the common language of Croats , Serbs , Bosniaks and Montenegrins .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.predsjednistvobih.ba/biogr/?cid=8148,2,1  ; Biografija ( Memento from January 27, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  2. cf. orf.at ( Memento from November 17, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
  3. ^ Democratic Front BiH Founded with Željko Komšić as President. In: Sarajevo Times . April 8, 2013, accessed February 2, 2014 .
  4. Osnivačka skupština Demokratske fronte ( Memento of the original from June 8, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Manifesto of the founding assembly, Bosnian) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.demokratskafronta.ba
  5. [1]
  6. Derk, Denis: Declaration on the common language of Croats, Serbs, Bosniaks and Montenegrins is adopted . In: Večernji list . March 28, 2017, ISSN  0350-5006 , p. 6–7 ( vecernji.hr [accessed on May 9, 2019] Serbo-Croatian: Donosi se Deklaracija o zajedničkom jeziku Hrvata, Srba, Bošnjaka i Crnogoraca .). (Archived on WebCite ( Memento from May 23, 2017 on WebCite ))