24h Bavaria - One day at home

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Television broadcast
Original title 24h Bavaria - One day at home
Country of production Germany
original language German
year 2017
length 1440 minutes
production Thomas Kufus ;
zero one 24 , Franz Xaver Gernstl and Fidelis Mager ;
megaherz ,
Bayerischer Rundfunk
camera 104 camera teams
cut Annette Muff et al
First broadcast June 5, 2017 on BR TV

24h Bayern - Ein Tag Heimat (24 | BY) is a 24-hour television documentary by BR Fernsehen about Bavaria and its residents. It reports in real time on the everyday life of 80 protagonists from a wide variety of professions , social classes , religions and ethnicities who are representative of the population in Bavaria. The idea was provided by BR director Ulrich Wilhelm.

Filming began on June 3, 2016 at 6 a.m. and ended on June 4, 2016 at 6 a.m. The first broadcast took place on June 5 and 6, 2017 between 6 a.m. and 6 a.m. with quotas above the channel average. Volker Heise was responsible for the overall direction .

After 24h Berlin - a day in the life and 24h Jerusalem , 24h Bavaria is the third project by director Volker Heise and producer Thomas Kufus , which this time focuses not only on a city , but on an entire federal state .


24h Bayern is designed as a tri-media project. The core is the 24-hour television broadcast. It is supplemented by a second screen offer on 24hbayern.de. As early as May 19, 2017, the BR radio channels offered an expanded range of topics on 24 | BY. The BR's social media accounts complete the spectrum of the multi-channel project 24 | BY.

In addition to the professionally created content, the documentation includes 48 films from the area of ​​user-generated content. This was created in parallel by citizens in Bavaria and uploaded to the BR using the BR24 app .

The preparations took half a year. As of January 2016, ten authors were looking for topics and protagonists. Around 400 people, divided into 110 vehicles and 104 teams, were involved in the shooting. Four editors and four assistants summarized the approximately 800 hours of material, which corresponded to 30 to 35 terabytes of storage. Four helicopters equipped with cameras were also used during the shoot.

The Berlin company zero one 24 is responsible for the content production of 24h Bavaria . The planning and execution of the shooting of 24h Bayern was done by the Munich company megaherz .

The project managers at BR were Reinhard Scolik as television director, Andreas Bönte as project manager / program officer and Sonja Scheider as editorial manager.

As the lead director, Volker Heise was responsible for the preparation, implementation and editing of 24h Bayern . As many film teams supported him on site at the 100 locations in Bavaria. The most famous directors were Doris Dörrie , Corinna Belz , Regina Schilling , Franz Xaver Bogner , Andres Veiel , Thomas Riedelsheimer , Jörg Adolph , Marcus H. Rosenmüller and Dominik Wessely .

The shooting area included the Free State of Bavaria with all seven administrative districts. The budget for the entire project is around 3.7 million euros. This corresponds to the production costs of two to three crime scene episodes.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Press release: Bayerischer Rundfunk presents “24h Bayern - Ein Tag Heimat”. In: br.de. Bayerischer Rundfunk , May 17, 2017, accessed on May 19, 2017 .
  2. Uwe Mantel: "24h Bayern" brings BR double-digit market shares. dwdl.de , June 6, 2017, accessed June 7, 2017 .
  3. Uwe Ziegler: One day in Bavaria, around the clock. In: donaukurier.de . Donaukurier Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co KG, May 17, 2017, accessed on May 19, 2017 .