24h Europe - The Next Generation

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Television broadcast
Original title 24h Europe - The Next Generation
Logo of the broadcast 24h Europe.jpg
Country of production Germany , France
original language German and a.
year 2019
zero one 24 (D) and Idéale Audience (FR) in coproduction with ARTE GEIE , ARTE Germany , ARTE France, rbb (D), SWR (D), BR (D), RTBF (BE), Kwassa films (BE), YLE (Fin), ČT (CZ)
length 1440 minutes
genre documentary
Director Britt Beyer and Vassilli Silovic as well as 48 directors from all over Europe
idea Volker Heise (also concept)
production Thomas Kufus and Kornelia Theune (zero one film) , Pierre-Olivier Bardet (Idéale Audience)
camera 48 camera teams, u. a. Lutz Reitemeier , Andrea Gatzke , Lars Barthel , Uli Gaulke , Thomas Riedelsheimer
First broadcast 4th and 5th May 2019 on ARTE Germany , rbb TV , SWR TV , BR TV , ARD-alpha , ARTE France , RTBF in Belgium, ČT in the Czech Republic and YLE in Finland

24h Europe - The Next Generation is a 24-hour television documentary by Arte , rbb , SWR and BR / ARD-Alpha about geographical Europe and its young people, between 18 and 30 years old - the next generation. It reports in real time on the everyday life of 67 protagonists from the most diverse professions , social classes , religions and ethnicities who are representative of the population of Europe. Main filming began on June 15, 2018 at 6 a.m. and ended on June 16, 2018 at 6 a.m. It was first broadcast on May 4 and 5, 2019 between 6 a.m. and 6 a.m. Britt Beyer and Vassilli Silovic were responsible for the overall direction . Each protagonist was accompanied by a team, each with its own direction.

After 24h Berlin - One Day in Life , 24h Jerusalem and 24h Bavaria - One Day at Home , this is the fourth 24h project by Volker Heise , the creator of the format, and producer Thomas Kufus , who this time not only have a city or state in placed the center, but an entire continent.


24h Europe - The Next Generation is an encounter with the young generation of Europe , the so-called millennials . 67 young people between the ages of 18 and 30 from 26 countries were accompanied on one day in various corners of geographical Europe. Their perspectives were taken, their stories told and their different realities recorded on film.

The concept of the 24h series is to accompany the people portrayed by it throughout the day and to form a narrative based on the course of the day. The 24h begins at 6 a.m. and ends at 6 a.m. the following day. What is being broadcast at a certain time also happened at that time during the shooting.

In order to find the framework for the narrative, the major themes were identified for the generation being accompanied . They are u. a .: Mobility , ecology , new feminism, urbanization , political radicalization, youth unemployment . In addition to their personal story and charisma, each protagonist was chosen to represent one of these topics that are at the center of the European promise and debate.

More than 30 teams traveled to all European countries to research the film, interviewed possible participants and filmed them with their smartphones. The search for the protagonists took several months. After completing the research, everyone involved in the project sat together and selected the most suitable protagonists. Some of them were only confirmed shortly before the shooting day in June 2018.

It was the task of the teams to accompany their protagonists without imposing themselves or even staging. To ensure that all teams created their material in accordance with the concept and idea of ​​the film, there was a workshop in Berlin in May 2018, in which the golden rules for the directors, the cameramen and the production management were conveyed. For example, the teams had to shoot without additional light. Only handheld cameras were allowed, so no tripods. In addition, impressions were filmed that are characteristic of the place and its landscape. Since the format tells in real time , it requires a special style. Jumps in time or flashbacks, for example, are not possible here. Of the 48 camera teams, 16 teams accompanied two instead of just one protagonist.

The main day of shooting was Friday, June 15, 2018. On June 14 and 16, additional impressions from the protagonists' surroundings were shot.

260 team members were involved in filming in 26 countries across Europe. A total of 700 hours of material was created in 28 different languages ​​and dialects, all of which can be heard in the program.

A rough cut of one and a half to five hours was created for each protagonist . The editing took place in parallel for eight months in sometimes five editing rooms that worked in two shifts.

Arte offers 24h Europe - The Next Generation online in addition to German and French in English, Spanish, Polish and Italian, so that 70 percent of all Europeans will have access to this documentary in their mother tongue. In the German and French language versions of 24h Europe, there is also subtitling for the hearing impaired on Arte.

After broadcasting, 24h Europe - The Next Generation will be available in the broadcasters' media libraries for one year.

Among the people portrayed are Astrid (Norway), a survivor of the massacre on the island of Utøya ; Candy Crash (Germany), YouTuber; Dominika (Hungary), dropout; Katya (Chernobyl / Ukraine), radio ecologist; Khalifa (France), educator and rapper; Nikolay (Russia), doctor. Seven of the protagonists come from Germany and one from Switzerland.

24h Europe - The Next Generation receives results from the Generation What? with a.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "24h Europe - The Next Generation". Retrieved April 15, 2019 .
  2. rbb television: rbb media library: 24h Europe - The Next Generation. Retrieved May 8, 2019 .
  3. Generation What? - The survey of 18-34 year olds in Europe. Retrieved April 15, 2019 .