Abdolmalek Rigi

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Abdolmalek Rigi ( Persian عبدالمالک ریگی, DMG ʿAbdolmālek Rīgī ; * 1979 ; † June 20, 2010 in Tehran ), also Abdolmalik Rigi , was the leader of the Sunni terrorist organization Jundollah in Iran , which began to carry out attacks in 2005.


According to their self-image, the Jundollah are a religiously motivated rebel group that defends the interests of the oppressed Sunni fellow believers. As one of the best-known leaders of the group, he has been at the top of the wanted list of the Iranian authorities for years. For Iran, Rigi was the governor of the al-Qaeda terror network , as it was trained in a Pakistani Koran school and is said to have fought alongside the Afghan fundamentalists. Like the Sunni Taliban and al-Qaida, Rigi referred to the Shiites as kuffar in his speeches .

Arrest and trial

On February 23, 2010, the Iranian secret service minister Heydar Moslehi announced the arrest of Rigi. Rigi was said to have been on board a plane that flew through Iranian airspace on its way from Dubai to Kyrgyzstan (according to Al Jazeera , he was extradited from Pakistan). Iranian interceptors are said to have forced the machine to land in Bandar Abbas . Rigi was arrested while on board.

After he was arrested, he was interrogated and tried for several months. According to the Iranian press agency IRNA , in the course of the process he assumed responsibility for bomb attacks in which many Iranians, including five high-ranking commanders of the Revolutionary Guard , lost their lives. Rigi was convicted and sentenced to death on 79 counts, including terrorist attacks, armed robbery, bombing and armed assault on police officers and civilians .

According to Iranian sources, the British and American secret services are considered to be the supporters of the rebel group. Rigi's confession was broadcast on Iranian news channel Press TV , according to which Rigi was recruited by the US government to lead an uprising against Iran. According to Geoff S. Morrell, spokesman for the United States Department of Defense , this is Iranian propaganda.

According to the Iranian press agency IRNA Rigi was on the morning of 20 June 2010 at Tehran's Evin prison by the train executed . He was buried in the Khavaran cemetery south of Tehran.

Execution of the Brother
On May 24, 2010, his brother Abdolhamid Rigi was executed in the city of Zāhedān. He was also charged with terrorist activities.

Individual evidence

  1. Press TV from February 26, 2010 Abdolmalek Rigi - Who Is He? . Retrieved August 1, 2010
  2. ^ State.gov
  3. a b Iran's mysterious rebels. Dw-world.de, October 20, 2009, accessed June 18, 2010 .
  4. IRAN: Al-Qaida against mullahs . In: Der Spiegel . No. 35 , 2007 ( online ).
  5. Iran arrests Sunni rebel leaders. Spiegel.de, February 23, 2010, accessed on June 18, 2010 .
  6. nytimes.com of February 23, 2010 Iran Says Capture of Rebel Is Blow to US
  7. ^ The riddle of Bandar Abbas. Spiegel.de, February 25, 2010, accessed on June 18, 2010 .
  8. ^ Rheinische Post (ed.): Iran: leaders executed by rebels . 141, Volume 65, June 21, 2010, p. A6 .
  9. PressTV of December 16, 2010.
  10. US offered Rigi 'extensive aid' for Iran attacks. Presstv.ir, February 25, 2010, accessed June 18, 2010 .
  11. Nazila Fathi: Khamenei Rejects Idea of Compromise With opposition in Iran. Nytimes.com, February 25, 2010, accessed June 18, 2010 .
  12. Iran hangs Sunni militant leader Abdolmalek Rigi BBC News.
  13. Middle East - Iran executes Jundollah member. Al Jazeera , accessed August 13, 2010 .
  14. ^ Ramin Mostafavi: Iran executes brother of Sunni rebel leader Rigi. Reuters, May 24, 2010, accessed August 13, 2010 .