Adele Krèn

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Adele Krèn , occasionally Adele Kren , (born October 20, 1860 in Darmstadt , Germany , † March 22, 1882 in Meran , Austria-Hungary ) was an Austrian singer ( soprano ) and actress.


Adele Krèn was a daughter of the Austrian singer ( Buffo ) Josef Krèn and his wife, an actress. As early as 1866, Krèn was seen on stage in the first children's roles. She had her first engagement in 1873 at the Stadttheater in Krefeld and from there she was brought to the Wallner Theater in Berlin a short time later , where she was able to celebrate her first triumphs alongside colleagues like Karl Helmerding .

Krèn was hired from Berlin to the Mainz City Theater. There you discovered her talent as a singer. The next stop in her career was the Stadttheater Zürich , where she almost exclusively acted as a singer. Chéri Maurice experienced Krèn in Zurich and brought her to his theater in Hamburg .

With effect from November 15, 1877, Krèn came under contract at the Friedrich-Wilhelmstädtisches Theater in Berlin . There she made u. a. the acquaintance of Kapellmeister Arno Kleffel , from whom she received private singing lessons. In the summer of 1879 she fell ill and was barely able to meet her obligations. At the beginning of 1882 she traveled to South Tyrol for a cure . There Adele Krèn died on March 22nd (according to another reading March 29th) 1822 in Merano. The theater critic Rudolf Elcho wrote a noteworthy obituary for her.

Roles (selection)
