Adolf Carl

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Adolf Heinrich Wilhelm Carl , also Adolph Carl (born May 13, 1814 in Kassel , † April 29, 1845 in Rome ), was a German landscape painter .


View of Hamburg (black and white photo of the original), after 1830, Hamburger Kunsthalle

Carl grew up in Hamburg , where he was initially a student of Siegfried Detlev Bendixen . In 1832 he went to Copenhagen with the Hamburg landscape painter Heinrich Martens, where he was a student of Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg at the art academy . Study trips took him to Kullen in Sweden with the landscape painter Louis Gurlitt (1833) and to the island of Møn (1834) with the landscape painter Johann Paul Mohr . In March 1833 it was introduced to the Hamburg Artists' Association of 1832 with Mohr, who also attended the Copenhagen Academy .

In the summer of 1836, Carl painted on the Elbe and in the Lüneburg Heath, after which he settled in Munich with Gurlitt, Martens and Mohr, where, as before in Copenhagen, he frequented Louis Gurlitt's circle of friends, whom he orientated himself artistically. Further study trips took him to the Chiemsee and the Salzburg region. In 1838 he went on a study trip with Gurlitt and Mohr via Merano and Bozen to Lake Garda. In 1841 he lived in Hamburg again. For a time he lived in Düsseldorf . Since 1833 he was represented at exhibitions in Copenhagen, Hamburg, Munich and Berlin. In 1843 he went to Italy with his Düsseldorf painter friends Andreas Achenbach and Bernhard Fries , where he stayed in a German-Roman group of artists to which Louis Gurlitt and Franz Ludwig Catel also belonged. After a trip to Sicily with Achenbach and Fries, he painted Italian landscapes that sold successfully. Carl died at the age of 30 of heart disease in Rome. His bones rest there in the Protestant cemetery .

Works (selection)

  • View of Hamburg , Hamburger Kunsthalle
  • Elbe beach near Neumühlen , around 1841, Altona Museum, Hamburg
  • Forest at Hellbæk , Statens Museum, Copenhagen
  • Falkenstein Castle in the Harz Mountains , Statens Museum, Copenhagen
  • Roman Campagna , Hamburger Kunsthalle

Exhibitions (selection)


Web links

Commons : Adolf Carl  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ According to Wilhelm Schmidt ( Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie 3, 1876) Carl was born in Altona in 1813 .
  2. Olaf Klose, Lilli Martius: Scandinavian landscape pictures. German artist tours from 1780–1864 . Neumünster 1975.
  3. ^ Ulrich Schulte-Wülwer: Johann Paul Mohr. A forgotten landscape painter from Bordesholm . In: Reports from the Schleswig-Holstein Open Air Museum . Issue 43, 2006, pp. 35-63.
  4. Ulrich Schulte-Wülwer: Louis Gurlitt, life and work . In: Schulte-Wülwer, Hedinger: Louis Gurlitt - portraits of European landscapes . Munich 1997.
  5. ^ Wolfgang Peiffer: Andreas Achenbach, 1815-1910. Italy trip . Aquensis Verlag, Baden-Baden 2009, ISBN 978-3-9379-7858-1 , p. 53
  6. Under the pyramid of Cestius . In: Tagespost (Graz), No. 265, edition of November 9, 1872 ( Google Books )