Adolf Fischer (actor)

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Adolf Fischer (born November 18, 1900 in Odessa , Russian Empire ; † October 21, 1984 in Potsdam ) was a German character actor in Reich German and GDR films and a film production manager at DEFA .

Live and act

Fischer underwent a three-year training course at the Berliner Volksbühne and started his first engagement in 1925. In the following years Fischer u. a. at the Theater am Nollendorfplatz under the direction of Erwin Piscator and participated in a number of proletarian plays with a markedly socialist orientation. His colleagues on this stage included a number of politically convinced leftists such as Gerhard Bienert and Ernst Busch , with whom he was later to get involved in socialist theater work in the GDR .

Before 1933, however, Fischer also took part in traditional spoken theater far from political agitation. For example, he was seen in 1931 under Max Reinhardt's directorship in Ludwig Berger's production of Die Heilige aus USA and as ETA Hoffmann in Hoffmann's stories .

The actor with the energetic face and the distinctive nostrils had also appeared on the screen in an abundance of character roles with the dawn of the sound film age. As on the stage, from then on he took up the subject of the proletarian, repeatedly playing simple buddies and workers. He made his debut in Slatan Dudow's Kuhle Wampe or: Who Owns the World? with a role that is typical for him: he played a politically conscious worker sportsman , as a positive counter-figure to a young unemployed person who, desperate to find no work again, threw himself out of the window during the famine years of the Weimar Republic . Piscator colleagues Bienert and Busch also appeared at his side in this film.

During the time of National Socialism he worked in militaristic strips like Kampfgeschwader Lützow, Attention! Enemy is listening !, Stukas , D III 88 , soldiers - comrades, Das Gewehr über, Pour le Mérite and others with. Typical Fischer appearances were a street musician in The Green Salon , a detective in The Man in the Saddle , an artist in the Renz circus , a student pilot in Quax in Fahrt , a laboratory assistant in the veterinarian Dr. Vlimmen and a soccer player in The Big Game .

At the end of the war, Fischer turned 180 degrees and began a second career on January 1, 1946, as production manager at DEFA and head of the artistic working group “Solidarity”. In this role, he oversaw a number of films, including some productions by top GDR directors Kurt Maetzig and Slatan Dudow. Since 1962, Fischer has also worked as a production manager for GDR television (e.g. in 1962 for Tote talk nicht , 1965 for Die Mutter und das Schweigen , 1968/69 for the Fontane film adaptation of Effi Briest and 1975/76 for the children's film Die Regentrude , his last job in this capacity). As an actor, he only appeared sporadically in front of the camera.

On March 31, 1976, Adolf Fischer retired from the state-owned company.

Filmography (as an actor)

Filmography (as production manager at the cinema)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f lt. Theater and Film Archive Kay Less
  2. Zwischen-politik-und- kunst ; accessed on August 30, 2020

Web links