Confusion of love

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Original title Confusion of love
Country of production GDR
original language German
Publishing year 1959
length 107 minutes
Age rating FSK 0
Director Slatan Dudow
script Slatan Dudow
production DEFA
music Wolfgang Hohensee ,
Gerd Natschinski ,
Günter Hörig ,
Theo Schumann
camera Helmut Bergmann
cut Christa Wernicke

Confusion of Love is a DEFA love film by Slatan Dudow from 1959 .


Sonja, an art student at the Berlin-Weißensee School of Art , and medical doctoral student Dieter have been a couple for two years. They arrange to meet at a carnival party , but Sonja is so well disguised that Dieter doesn't recognize her. Instead, he thinks young Siegi is his girlfriend and spends time with her even after the masks have fallen at midnight. Sonja goes home alone and jealous and refuses to see Dieter. He didn't forget Siegi the next day either, but only knows her name. During the lectures at the Humboldt University in Berlin and at the Charité he is unfocused and lacks any vigor to lead his agitprop group Die Wecker . By chance he sees Siegi on the street, but loses her after a while in the crush of the subway station. Sonja suspected for a long time that her boyfriend had a crush on someone else and fell into an artistic depression.

On the advice of her professor, she goes into production during the holidays. Here she promptly meets Siegi, a simple worker who suffers from the jealousy of her friend Edy. Sonja paints Siegi - for Dieter - and mediates the contact between the two. Sonja wants Dieter to decide on his lover. When he was given early leave, he went to the Baltic Sea with Siegi . The bricklayer Edy, on the other hand, appears at Sonja's and after a short time both of them leave for vacation. You visit the Elbe Sandstone Mountains , the Dresden Zwinger and the Old Masters Picture Gallery and return almost at the same time as Siegi and Dieter from their short vacation. Both Siegi and Edy have proposed marriage to their respective new partner; Dieter has accepted Siegi's and Sonja also gives in when Edy presents her to his colleagues as the future bride. Both couples meet with each other, Sonja helps Siegi to find the bride's present for Dieter and vice versa, and finally both couples drive to the registry office together. On the way, both come to the realization that they actually want to marry the wrong partner. Without further ado they swap the car places: Siegi will marry Edy and Sonja and Dieter will find each other again.


Confusion of Love was filmed in 1958 on the original locations and had its premiere on October 8, 1959 in Berlin's Babylon . It was shown in GDR cinemas on November 13, 1959 and was shown for the first time on June 24, 1960 on DFF 1 on television.

The film constructions come from Oskar Pietsch .

The confusion of love was Angelika Domröse's film debut . She was one of more than 800 women who applied to a DEFA newspaper advertisement in August 1958, in which a "young, happy, pretty girl - age 16 to 20 years, height about 1.60 - for a leading role" was searched.

It was the last film that director Dudow turned off completely, and the first film in the GDR to contain nude scenes. Students from the Weißensee Art College were involved in setting up the carnival scenes. The agitprop group Die Wecker from the Humboldt University Berlin appears in the film.


In 1959 Winfried Junge found that director Dudow had “turned to the new life in the GDR”: “'Confusion of Love' is the cheerful prelude, and we are his heroes: students and workers - in love, laughing, learning, growing up. “He praised the fact that Dudow made the confrontation with love the central theme and not treated it as a marginal episode, but criticized the fable of the film, which is hardly sustainable and seemingly completely constructed.

Shortly after its appearance, the film sparked numerous, sometimes polemical, discussions, as it did without the topic of the “class struggle”. Karl-Eduard von Schnitzler therefore found in 1959 that the film could just as easily have been shot in Italy or West Germany. “These young people [in the film] are settled without obligation in a socially almost vacuum. […] So there is only hope that Slatan Dudow will give us a film in the near future instead of a little film. "

West German critics praised the fact that the apolitical entertainment film "was the only production that brought some variety to the DEFA plan, which at the time was one-sidedly oriented towards more or less direct propaganda".

The lexicon of international films called the film a “partly slow, partly sensual and briskly staged comedy about love conflicts among young people in East Berlin, which flirts with some (rather prudishly presented) erotic permissiveness. Rejected by GDR officials because of its (ironically intended) portrayal of the impossibility of love relationships between workers and students, the film was nevertheless a public success. "

Cinema wrote that “the film by the ' Kuhle Wampe ' director,which was astonishingly revealing for 1959,… today [looks] harmless, but [was] a great GDR box-office hit. Conclusion: Back then it was quite frivolous, today almost too good ”.


  • Confusion of love . In: F.-B. Habel: The great lexicon of DEFA feature films . Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-89602-349-7 , pp. 669-670.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ DEFA - entrepreneur morality . In: Der Spiegel , No. 36, 1958, p. 50.
  2. Winfried Junge: Are we like that? In: Forum , No. 9, 1959.
  3. Karl-Eduard von Schnitzler in: Filmspiegel , No. 25, 1959.
  4. Heinz Kersten: The film system in the Soviet zone of occupation in Germany . Federal Ministry for All German Issues, Bonn 1963, p. 231.
  5. Confusion of love. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed October 10, 2016 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  6. See