Adolfo Ramón Canecín

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Adolfo Ramón Canecín (born March 25, 1958 in Formosa , Formosa Province , Argentina ) is an Argentine clergyman and Roman Catholic bishop of Goya .


Adolfo Ramón Canecín received the sacrament of ordination for the diocese of Formosa on March 25, 1988 . In addition to various activities in pastoral care, he was Rector ecclesiae at the Cathedral of Formosa, Vicar General and Rector of the interdiocesan seminary La Encarnación in Resistencia .

Until his appointment as bishop he was episcopal vicar for pastoral care and spiritual assistant for charismatic community renewal in the diocese of Formosa.

On December 9, 2014 it appointed Pope Francis to Coadjutor Bishop of Goya. The bishop of Goya, Ricardo Oscar Faifer , gave him episcopal ordination on March 25 of the following year. Co- consecrators were the Archbishop of Corrientes , Andrés Stanovnik OFMCap , and the Bishop of Formosa , José Vicente Conejero Gallego . With the resignation of Ricardo Oscar Faifer on September 24, 2015, he succeeded him as Bishop of Goya.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c Nomina del Vescovo Coadiutore di Goya (Argentina). In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , December 9, 2014, accessed December 9, 2014 (Italian).
  2. ^ Rinuncia e successione del Vescovo di Goya (Argentina). In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , September 24, 2015, accessed September 24, 2015 (Italian).
predecessor Office successor
Ricardo Oscar Faifer Bishop of Goya
since 2015