Adolph Franz von Dalberg

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Baron Adolph Franz Wolfgang corner Bert (* 14. November 1730 in Hammelburg , † 28. August 1794 in Bamberg ) was a member of the rich knightly family Dalberg and stood at the end of his life because of incitement to murder in the Carmelite Monastery Bamberg under house arrest .


Adolph Franz was the eldest son of Hugo Philipp Eckenbert von Dalberg-Wallhausen (born March 31, 1702; † February 29, 1754). Hugo Philipp Eckenbert was a secret councilor from Würzburg and Fulda and chief magistrate of Hammelburg and Saaleck . On October 4, 1729, he had married Maria Anna Josepha Sophia Zobel von Giebelstadt (* August 20, 1713 - June 8, 1774), the mother of Adolph Franz. After the death of Hugo Philipp Eckenbert, she married Franz von Münster for the second time .


Adolph Franz received canon positions as a youth , in Bamberg in 1744 and in Minden in 1751 . Next he was Kurtrier and bishöflich Augsburger Council and Episcopal Bamberger privy . Adolph Franz was 24 years old when his father died and thus - according to the legal situation at the time - just of legal age . He exercised the guardianship of his underage siblings with great self-interest, which led to conflicts with the siblings and relatives. In addition, he behaved very inappropriately, the files note "bad conduite". Although he would have been granted the family senior council in 1781 according to the family contract of the Dalbergs of 1723, the relatives refused to do so.

In 1782 he is said to have instigated a servant to shoot a third person in the street. During his interrogation, he testified that it was his habit to say "shoot him dead" and that he never expected his servants to take it literally and act on it. He was then placed under house arrest in his own canon court and - after he had been deprived of his canon mortgage - imprisoned in the Carmelite monastery in Bamberg, where he died twelve years after the incident.


In alphabetical order by authors / editors:

  • Johannes Bollinger: 100 families of the chamberlain from Worms and the lords of Dalberg . Bollinger, Worms-Herrnsheim 1989. Without ISBN.
  • William Godsey: Nobles and nation in Central Europe. Free imperial knights in the Age of Revolution, 1750-1850 . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2004.
  • William D. Godsey: Imperial Knight between the Old Empire and the New State Order. The Dalberg between 1750 and 1850 . In: Kurt Andermann (Hrsg.): Ritteradel in the Old Kingdom. Die Kämmerer von Worms called von Dalberg = work of the Hessian Historical Commission NF Bd. 31. Hessische Historical Commission, Darmstadt 2009. ISBN 978-3-88443-054-5 , pp. 247-288.
  • Detlev Schwennicke: European family tables. Family tables on the history of the European states . New series, vol. 9: Families from the Middle and Upper Rhine and from Burgundy . Marburg 1986. Without ISBN, plate 58.


  1. ^ Friedrich Battenberg : Dalberger documents. Regesta on the documents of the treasurers of Worms called von Dalberg and the barons of Dalberg 1165–1843 Volume 14/3: Corrigenda, indices and family tables (by Dalberg and Ulner von Dieburg) = Repertories of the Hessian State Archives Darmstadt 14/3. Darmstadt 1987. ISBN 3-88443-238-9 , plate IX: * October 14, 1730.
  2. Bollinger, p. 68: * March 21, 1702.

Individual evidence

  1. Godsey: Reichsritter , p. 259, note 40.
  2. Schwennicke, plate 58; Bollinger, p. 68.
  3. Godsey: `` Reichsritter , p. 258.
  4. ^ Printed in: Johann Ulrich Cramer: Oobservationum juris universi ex praxi recentiori supremorum imperii tribunalium haustarum 3. Ulm 1763, pp. 90–119.
  5. Godsey: `` Reichsritter , p. 259.
  6. Godsey: Reichsritter , p. 259.