Adriana Lecouvreur

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Work data
Title: Adriana Lecouvreur
First performance poster, 1902

First performance poster, 1902

Shape: Opera in four acts
Original language: Italian
Music: Francesco Cilea
Libretto : Arturo Colautti
Literary source: Drama Adrienne Lecouvreur by Eugène Scribe
Premiere: November 6, 1902
Place of premiere: Teatro Lirico, Milan
Playing time: 2 hours, 30 minutes
Place and time of the action: Paris, March 1730
  • Maurizio, Count of Saxony ( tenor )
  • The Prince of Boullion ( bass )
  • The Abbé of Chazeuil (tenor)
  • Michonnet, director ( baritone )
  • Quinault, actor (bass)
  • Poisson, actor (tenor)
  • Adriana Lecouvreur, actress ( soprano )
  • The Princess of Boullion ( mezzo-soprano )
  • The steward (tenor)
  • Jouvenot, actress (soprano)
  • Dangeville, actress (mezzo-soprano)
  • Athenaide, Duchess of Aumont ( silent role )
  • The marquise (silent role)
  • The Baroness (silent role)
  • A maid (silent role)
  • Extras, stage assistants, servants ( choir )

Adriana Lecouvreur is an opera in four acts by Francesco Cilea . Arturo Colautti wrote the text based on a play by Eugène Scribe and Ernest Legouvé . The first performance took place on November 6, 1902 at the Teatro Lirico in Milan .


1st act

The star of the Comédie-Française , the actress Adriana Lecouvreur, loves Count Maurizio. Her rival in this love is the Princess de Bouillon. Her husband, the Prince of Bouillon, intercepted a letter from the Princess to Maurizio. He takes his mistress, the actress Duclos, to be the sender, decides to convict the couple and forwards the letter to the count.

2nd act

At the rendezvous for a party in the Duclos villa, the princess notices that she has lost Maurizio's love to someone else. The prince arrives, soon after Adriana. Maurizio hides from the prince and asks Adriana to allow the princess to escape from her husband. Out of love for him, she agrees.

3rd act

The princess makes sure who her rival is. She tells Adriana that Maurizio was wounded in a duel. The princess can see her love for the count from Adriana's reaction. Adriana takes revenge for this ruse by emphasizing the last lines of a monologue from Phèdre von Racine so that she accuses the depraved morality of the princes.

4th act

Adriana waits in vain for Maurizio on her birthday. Among her presents is a box with a bouquet of violets. Adriana, who thinks the flowers are a parting present from her lover, inhales their scent. In truth, however, the Princess of Bouillon is the sender who drizzled the flowers with a deadly poison. When Maurizio finally appears, Adriana dies in his arms.


The title character is a historical person. Adrienne Lecouvreur was considered the most important actress in France in her time. She actually had an affair with Moritz von Sachsen . Its relationship with the Duchesse de Bouillon is also documented. After Adrienne Lecouvreur's death, rumors circulated that she had been poisoned.

A hundred years later, her life formed the basis for a play by Eugène Scribe and Ernest Legouvé. The title role in this piece was played by Sarah Bernhardt and Eleonora Duse , among others .

In the Milan premiere of Cilea's opera, Angelica Pandolfini sang Adriana, Enrico Caruso sang Maurizio. The German-language premiere took place on November 15, 1903 in Hamburg. One of the most important singers in the title role was the soprano Magda Olivero (1910-2014) , who was highly valued by Cilea .

Complete studio recordings


  • Adriana Lecouvreur. Dramatic play by E. Scribe and E. Legouvé in four acts for the opera stage, arranged by A. Colautti . Music by Francesco Cilèa . German translation by Walter Dahms . Casa Musicala Sonzogno, Milano 1938


  • Reclam's opera guide
  • Piper's Encyclopedia of Musical Theater
  • Karsten Steiger: Operas - A directory of all recordings, Ullstein Verlag