Adriano Alberti

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Adriano Alberti (born February 12, 1870 in Milan , † November 9, 1955 in Turin ) was an Italian lieutenant general , military writer and senator .


Adriano Alberti, who grew up without a father with his mother Fortunata Alberti, attended the Scuola militare and completed an officer training at the Accademia militare , which he completed on October 5, 1888. He then became an officer in the army railway engineering troops in the Kingdom of Italy (Regio Esercito) . In 1902 he graduated from the Scuola di guerra . On December 29, 1910 he received the Knight's Cross of the Order of the Crown of Italy and on April 3, 1913 the Knight's Cross of the Order of St. Mauritius and Lazarus . He took part in World War I between 1915 and 1918 and was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel (Tenente colonnello) on July 18, 1915 and to Colonel (Colonnello) on April 14, 1917 , this promotion being dated back to February 23, 1917 . For his services in the First World War and as an officer he received the War Cross for Military Merit (Croce di guerra al valor militare) , the War Merit Cross (Croce al merito di guerra) , the Commemorative Medal of the Italo- Austrian War (Medaglia commemorativa della guerra italo-austriaca 1915–1918) , the Interallied Victory Medal (Italy) (Medaglia interalleata della Vittoria) and the Commemorative Medal for the Unity of Italy (Medaglia commemorativa dell'Unità d'Italia) and the Cross for Military Service in Gold (Croce d'oro per anzianità di servizio) military) .

Alberti, who received the Officer's Cross on January 29, 1922 and the dignity of Commander of the Order of the Crown of Italy on March 15, 1923 , was promoted to Brigadier General (Generale di brigata) on June 1, 1924 . He was then between June 1, 1924 and November 15, 1925 commander of the Pavia Brigade . On January 15, 1925, he also received the Officer's Cross of the Knightly Order of St. Mauritius and Lazarus and was in command of the Granatieri di Sardegna Brigade from November 15, 1925 to December 2, 1928 . On December 2, 1928, he was promoted to major general (Generale di divisione) , which was dated back to November 28, 1928. He was then commander of the Catanzaro Territorial Division between December 2, 1928 and February 1, 1933, and on October 25, 1932, he also became a Grand Officer of the Order of the Crown of Italy for his services . On January 25, 1933, he was promoted to Lieutenant General (Generale di corpo d'armata) and was thereupon temporarily for special use between February 1 and March 18, 1933. Subsequently he was commander of the troops in Sicily from March 18, 1933 to December 2, 1936 and on January 15, 1934 he was also commander of the Order of St. Mauritius and Lazarus. On November 14, 1935, he was also awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Crown of Italy. After he was without any special use from February 12, 1936 to January 1, 1940, he retired from active military service on January 1, 1940.

In the meantime, Adriano Alberti was appointed a member of the Senate of the Kingdom ( Senato del Regno ) on April 17, 1939 at the proposal of the War Ministry , to which he was a member until August 5, 1943. During his membership in the Senate he was between April 17, 1939 and August 5, 1943 member of the Commission for National Education and Folk Art (Commissione dell'educazione nazionale e della cultura popolare) .

In 1944 Alberti was indicted by the Supreme Court for sanctions against fascism ACGSF (Alta Corte di Giustizia per le Sanzioni contro il Fascismo) as a member of the Senate. The senators were charged with being responsible for upholding fascism and making the war possible with both their votes and individual actions, including propaganda carried out outside and inside the Senate. On July 31, 1944, he then lost his Senate seat. The judgment was upheld by the Supreme Court of Cassation on July 8, 1948 in the last instance . His marriage to Sofia Paolina Palma di Cesuola gave birth to four sons, Fortunato, Fiorenzo, Egidio and Eugenio.

Publications (selection)

  • L'armistizio di Villa Giusti. Stabilimento poligrafico per l'Amministrazione della guerra, Rome 1923.
  • L'opera di SE il generale Pollio e l'esercito. Stabilimento poligrafico per l'Amministrazione della guerra, Rome 1923.
  • Il generale Falkenhayn. Le relazioni tra i capi di SM della Triplice. Libreria dello Stato, Rome 1924.
  • L'importanza dell'azione militare italiana: Le cause militari di Caporetto. Stato Maggiore dell'Esercito - Ufficio storico, Rome 2004, ISBN 88-87940-42-8 .

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