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The term ageplay (engl. Age , Age, play , game) called role-playing games in which act the participants as they would any other age, for example in the famous "father-mother-child" game of children. In principle, the age of the role assumed can be above or below the actual age of the person involved.


The term ageplay is usually used in the German-speaking area for erotic role-play with the age difference, while in the English-speaking area a distinction is made between erotic ageplay and the technical term regressive ageplay used in psychology , psychiatry and psychotherapy , which denotes the withdrawal to a child's age.

Occasionally, the term appears in game forums on the Internet, but describes the situation that is known in many (online) role-playing games and also in acting : a difference between the real age and age of the actor . Sometimes youth protection laws , dramaturgy , preferences of the director or a lack of players for a role play cause a role to be filled with a significantly younger or older protagonist . For example, it is common for school performances to assume a role that is significantly older than the age, while, in contrast, the cast of the role of Olympias with Angelina Jolie in the film Alexander was criticized because it does not necessarily correspond to the age-appropriate idea of ​​a mother with an adult son.

Ageplay in psychology and psychotherapy

In psychotherapy, role-playing games are used in some forms of therapy in order to be able to make, relive or express experiences as models. Examples of this are, on the one hand, the role-playing games used in psychodrama , which can also include empathizing with another age in order to be able to process this retrospectively. On the other hand, schema therapy also works with different child modes in order to be able to establish a connection with the inner child and to experience normal behaviors through role play and so-called reparenting by the therapist. The term inner child is also used in popular scientific psychology to address subjective events and influencing elements of childhood or emotional memory. Carl Gustav Jung called a similar concept the "Divine Child", Charles Whitfield called it the " Child within ". Probably the first W. Missldine to use the term Inneres Kind in his 1963 book "Your Inner Child of the Past". The (modified) concept of the inner child became known through John Bradshaw , a well-known psychologist and leader of a self-help movement. In the meantime, the popular science "Therapy of the Inner Child" is enjoying some popularity; In some countries there are ageplay workshops where adults can experience and try out this area in a safe environment. Some methods of treating psychological problems, such as “radical forgiveness”, reject the idea of ​​the Inner Child and claim that the idea of ​​petting the Inner Child prevents recovery and lets the person seeking help remain in the victim role.

Erotic / sexual ageplay

Sexual ageplay is basically an erotic role-play between consenting adults, independent of inclination (see Safe, Sane, Consensual ). Due to the aspects of power and powerlessness associated with the age difference played, ageplay is generally counted among the sexual practices of BDSM . In addition to amalgamations with other types of role play such as gender play , fictitious incest , punishment and sexual acts with the adult portraying the child can also be part of the underlying fantasy within such a role play . In this case, the term Dark Ageplay is often used. While role-playing games with different mature and adolescent ages hardly bother outsiders, these types of games reminiscent of pedophilia and child abuse , especially infantile role-play (see Adult Baby ), lead to incomprehension and rejection both outside and within the BDSM scene. The role players, however, vehemently deny any connection, since in principle only adults are involved in this type of role play.

In erotic ageplay, the dominant partner ( top ) usually takes on the role of some kind of authority or person of respect, for example an aunt, a trainer, a father or a teacher. The age difference that is played is not necessarily very large, for example, a role play with doctor and patient can show the desired difference in knowledge and power through a small age difference. The most well-known variants of Ageplay are: teacher and student, mother and child, father and daughter, older man and Lolita. The reverse case (submissive partner ( bottom ) plays the older part) is also described. There is also the possibility that roles of the same age are assumed within the game. Due to the purely fictional basis of the role play, the gender can also be changed within the scenario, for example an older man can play a naughty little brat. Many other practices and scenarios from the field of BDSM can flow into the game: Examples of this are clinical eroticism, in particular with erotically stimulating, degrading practices (fever measurements, enemas ), spanking , petticoating , but also bondage and erotic lactation . The fictional role-playing games often contain authoritarian education measures that are no longer used for decades in some cases, but part of the humiliating and masochistic fantasies have remained, such as the funeral knees (knees on a piece of wood) or cane beats by the teacher.

In addition to the very obvious aspect of the difference in status between older and younger people and the resulting power structure, which is almost unavoidable for role-playing games in connection with dominance and submission (see D / s ), motives for role-playing can also include the desire for security, stability and attention or the exercise of control and care, as well as an existing diaper fetishism. Occasionally it is described that a possible motivation also includes trauma in childhood, e.g. B. Abuse can be dealt with with these role-playing games. This has not yet been scientifically investigated, but is discussed within the scene. In addition to the risks that can arise from the use of the individual BDSM practices, one of the more frequently described dangers of erotic ageplay is the memory of repressed events in childhood, which can lead to uncontrollable situations and a fall of the bottom within the game.

Ageplay can also be used on the Internet , e.g. B. as a chat role playing game. Ageplay was discussed online at the end of 2007, sometimes heatedly and controversially, when Linden Lab announced that Ageplay in the virtual 3D world Second Life was illegal in some countries and would be banned in the future. In other cultures there are similar fantasies, some of which are lived out as ageplay, a well-documented example of this is Japan . Schoolgirl fantasies are very common there and, for example, are lived out with prostitutes disguised as schoolgirls (in so-called イ メ ー ジ ク ラ ブ imēji kurabu , from English image club , kurz メ ク ラ imekura for short ), and corresponding pornographic films and hentais are sold there legally.

See also

Web links

Commons : Ageplay  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  2. Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama, & Sociometrie, Volume 55, Number 2–3 / Summer-Fall 2002, Pages: 67–76 / Julie E. Jacobs: Real-Life Role Play: A Cognitive Therapy Case Study With Two Young Sex -Abuse survivors
  3. J. Young, J. Klosko, M. Weishaar: Schematherapie. A practice-oriented manual. Junfermann Verlag, Paderborn (2005), pp. 233, 341/2 ISBN 3-87387-578-0
  4. Colin C. Tipping: A wake for your inner child (English)
  5. Understanding Infaltilism (English)
  6. Breastfeeding relationships: submissive partner in the role of mother .
  7. Carolyn Faulkner: Playdate, BacksideofLove.
  8. Summary of the book Gynecocracy (English)
  9. Schöbl, Roland: Erotic Lactation, Denkholz (2007).
  10. The Age-Play Times, Issue 1: October 3, 2007 ( Memento from April 24, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 436 kB), Page 3: Use of historical wooden ruler for spanking in Ageplay (English)
  11. Age Play. July 1999, archived from the original on January 18, 2000 ; accessed on May 20, 2014 (English, IR risk discussion).
  12. Linden Lab, November 13, 2007: Clarification of policy disallowing ageplay (English)