Ager-Traun terraces

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All Upper Austria room units

The Ager-Traun-Terrassen are one of 41 Upper Austrian spatial units and are located on the edge of the Upper Austrian central area.


The spatial unit comprises three spatially isolated sub-areas that are separated by the Traun and are located in the districts of Wels-Land , Vöcklabruck and Gmunden .

The total size of the Ager-Traun-Terrassen is 70.49 km². The deepest area is around 360  m above sea level. A. at Stadl-Paura. The highest point in the area is at Laakirchen at 450  m above sea level. A.

The following municipal areas are mostly located on the Ager-Traun-Terrassen (starting in the north): Bad Wimsbach-Neydharting , Stadl-Paura , Desselbrunn , Rüstorf , Roitham am Traunfall , Laakirchen , Ohlsdorf and Gmunden .

The room unit is surrounded by the following Upper Austria room units (clockwise, starting in the north): Unteres Trauntal , Unteres Almtal , Traun-Enns-Riedelland , Salzkammergut-Talungen , Traun and Atterseer Flyschberge , Vöckla-Ager-Hügelland and the Vöckla-Agertal . The Traun Gorge spatial unit is located in the middle of the Ager-Traun Terraces and divides them into three sub-areas.


  • Wide and flat terrace landscape on both sides of the Traun Gorge with low and high terraces and gravel.
  • The lower terrace is mainly used for forestry (northern part) and is partly densely built. There are large areas of forest with a high proportion of spruce and a dense network of forest roads. Remnants of near-natural forests, forest fringes ( oak , hornbeam , ash ) can be found. There is a clear boundary between forest and arable land, but only poorly structured.
  • On the raised terrace there is arable farming with grain and maize , a poorly structured cultural landscape. Small proportion of forest with individual small and medium-sized forests. Only a few orchards and rows, single trees and small (partly natural) ponds. Semi-arid lawns are rarely found on terrace slopes.
  • Larger structural diversity only in dry valleys between Rustorf and Desselbrunn due to the banks of former streams that are partly wooded with beech and ash. There is hardly any running water, only small rivulets in attachments to the Traun and at the terrace edges.
  • Precipitation decreases sharply towards the north.
  • Only the central part (Laakirchen) and the north (Stadl-Paura) are densely built up and sprawled. Otherwise, agricultural use and small settlement fragments are predominant.


  • Office of the Upper Austrian Provincial Government, Nature Conservation Department (Ed.): Nature and Landscape / Guiding Principles for Upper Austria. Volume 18: Ager-Traun-Terrassen room unit . Linz 2003 ( pdf [accessed December 1, 2014]).

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