Aglaia (genus)

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Eurosiden II
Order : Sapindales (Sapindales)
Family : Mahogany (Meliaceae)
Subfamily : Melioideae
Tribe : Aglaieae
Genre : Aglaia
Scientific name

The genus Aglaia belongs to the mahogany family (Meliaceae). The more than 100 species thrive in tropical and subtropical forests in Southeast Asia , Australia and the Pacific region . Some species are important timber , others have edible fruits, fragrant flowers, or medicinal ingredients.


Illustration of Aglaia odorata

Appearance and leaves

The Aglaia species grow as trees or bushes and reach heights of 3 to 40 meters. Young parts of the plant are covered with scales or fluffy with star hair. The alternate or almost opposite continuously arranged on the branches leaves are relatively large and stalked. The leaf blade is rarely pinnate or usually three-part to unpaired with up to 25 leaflets . The leaf margin is always smooth. Stipules are missing.

Inflorescences and flowers

The lateral, relatively small, mostly spherical, paniculate inflorescences are composed of racemose partial inflorescences and contain many flowers. The Aglaia species are dioecious separate sexes ( diocesan ). The flowers are functionally male or female. The small, fragrant flowers are usually three to five-fold with a double flower envelope . The three to five sepals are short or long fused. The male flowers contain (three to) five to ten (to twelve) stamens . In the female flowers are one to three (rarely up to four) Upper permanent one, one to three, rarely up to vierkammerigen ovary grown. Each ovary chamber contains one or two ovules . There is a stylus that is at most short. The scar is egg-shaped or, for short, cylindrical.

Fruits and seeds

There are berries , nuts , or rarely fruit capsules formed. The fibrous pericarp often contains milky sap . The large seeds are surrounded by a colloidal and fleshy aril .


Leaves of Aglaia duperreana
Aglaia elaeagnoidea with fruits

The genus Aglaia was founded in 1790 by João de Loureiro with the type species Aglaia odorata Lour. in Flora Cochinchinensis , 1, p. 173. Synonyms for Aglaia Lour. are: Amoora Roxb. , Andersonia Roxb. , Argophilum Blanco , Beddomea Hook. f. , Camunium Roxb. , Euphora handle. , Hearnia F. Muell. , Lepiaglaia Pierre , Merostela Pierre , Milnea Roxb. , Nemedra A. Juss. , Nimmoia Wight , Oraoma Turcz. , Selbya M. Roem .

Species list

The genus Aglaia includes more than 100 species:


  • Hua Peng & Caroline M. Pannell: Aglaia in der Flora of China , Volume 11, 2008, p. 121: Online. (Section description)
  • B. Richardson: Aglaia in the Western Australian Flora , 2008: Online. (Section description)

Individual evidence

  1. First publication scanned at .
  2. ^ Aglaia at Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis
  3. ^ Aglaia in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA , ARS , National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland.

Web links

Commons : Aglaia  - collection of images, videos and audio files