Albert Raes

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Albert Jean Théodule Raes (born February 21, 1932 in Bruges ) is a Belgian judge and honorary consul in Morocco . He was director of the Belgian State Security .


Raes is the son of Firmin Raes, executive member of La Brugeoise et Nivelles . After graduating from Sint-Lodewijkcollege in Bruges (1951), he studied at the Catholic University of Leuven and obtained a doctorate in law. Raes was actively involved in student demonstrations.

In 1955 he organized a major conference in Bruges of the Nouvelles Equipes Internationales (the union of Christian Democratic parties in Europe, predecessor of the European People's Party) and the International Union of Young Christian Democrats . He completed his military service with the First Tank Regiment and became a reserve officer with the rank of lieutenant.

Back in Bruges, he became an intern and trainee lawyer for the public prosecutor's office. After that he worked in departments of ministries. He held positions as cabinet secretary and (legal) advisor to Ministers Albert de Gryse (Post), Arthur Gilson (Home Affairs), André Dequae (Finance), Pierre Wigny (Justice) and Paul-Willem Segers (Defense). In 1961 he was permanently appointed to the magistrate as deputy crown attorney in Kortrijk and Bruges.

In 1969 he was appointed Deputy Director of the Belgian Security Services under Ludovic Caeymaex , which he followed in 1977 as Director. He was installed by Justice Minister Alfons Vranckx . He remained in this position until June 1990. In 1968 he was a co-founder of the Bern Club and its host from 1977 to 1990.

In June 1990 Justice Minister Melchior Wathelet transferred Raes to the Central Administration as Deputy Secretary General. From 1993 until his retirement in 1997, Raes was Director General for Public Security, Head of Directorates General for Legislation, Worship Services, Foundations and Legacies in the Ministry of Justice.

Raes is married and has two daughters.

Honorary functions

Raes served on the Board of Directors of the Carnegie Hero Fund . In 2000 he was appointed Honorary Consul of Morocco in Bruges. From 2001 to 2011 he was Deputy Chairman of the Belgian Consular Corps in West Flanders. He is an honorary member of the Special Air Service .



  • Belgian Senate: Parliamentary commission on private militia's , 1981
  • Walter de Bock, ea: Extreem-rechts en de Staat , EPO, Berchem, 1981
  • René Haquin: Operatie Staatsveiligheid. De Staatsveiligheid en de WNP , EPO, Berchem, 1984
  • Jean Mottard & René Haquin: Les Tueries du Brabant , Complexe, Brussels, 1990
  • Belgian Bundestag, Parlementaire onderzoekscommissie Banditisme , 1990
  • Belgian Senate, Parlementary commission on Gladio , 1991
  • Hugo Gijsels: Netwerk Gladio , Kritak, Leuven, 1991
  • Jean Gol: Librement , Brussels, 1992
  • Belgian Bundestag, Parlementaire onderzoekscommissie Bende van Nijvel , 1997
  • Pierre Pean: Manipulations africaines - Qui sont les vrais coupables de l'attentat contre le vol UTA 772? , Paris, Plon, 2001
  • Daniele Ganser: NATO's Secret Armies, Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe , London, Frank Cass, 2004.
  • P. Ponsaers, M. Cools, K. Dassen, R. Libert: De Staatsveiligheid: essays over 175 jaar Veiligheid van de Staat , uitg. Politeia, 2005