Alchemilla sect. Villosae

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Alchemilla sect. Villosae
Eurosiden I
Order : Rose-like (rosales)
Family : Rose family (Rosaceae)
Genre : Lady's mantle ( Alchemilla )
Section : Alchemilla sect. Villosae
Scientific name
Alchemilla sect. Villosae
( Rothm. ) Notov

Alchemilla sect. Villosae is a section from the genus Lady's mantle ( Alchemilla ).


They are perennial , herbaceous plants that form a monopodial rosette. They form vegetative and generative shoots. The vegetative shoots are persistent, form a rosette and have unlimited growth. The generative shoots are short-lived, have long internodes and also have unlimited growth. The plants are triaxial. The generative shoots have several nodes with leaves and are prostrate.

The rosette leaves are palmately lobed with seven to nine lobes. The stipules are husk-like and almost completely fused with the petiole . On the opposite side, the stipules are not fused. In the bud , the leaf primordium is surrounded by the sheath of the next older leaf, but the leaf blade is always outside its own leaf sheath.

The outer sepals are smaller than the sepals . The goblet is densely hairy. There is a carpel , the stigma is spherical.


The section occurs on Madagascar, Ceylon, in South India and on Java.


The section was previously run as a subsection of the Longicaules section , but in 2004 Notov raised it to its own section. The lectotype of the section is Alchemilla villosa Jungh.

supporting documents

  • Alexander A. Notov, Tatyana V. Kusnetzova: Architectural units, axiality and their taxonomic implications in Alchemillinae . Wulfenia 11, 2004, pp. 85-130. ISSN  1561-882X