Alex Leukart

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Alex Leukart (* 1939 in Manila ) is a Swiss Indo-Europeanist and Mycenaeologist .

Leukart studied at the University of Zurich and completed his studies in Indo-European and Classical Philology as a student of the Indo-European Ernst Risch in 1971 with a licentiate thesis on Mycenaean root compounds and received his doctorate there in 1973 with a dissertation on the early Greek nouns on -tas and -as , which appeared in print only 20 years later. Since 1974 Leukart has held a position as chargé de cours for Indo-European and Sanskrit at the University of Geneva , since 1981 also at the University of Freiburg i. Üe. , and is now retired.

Fonts (selection)


  • The early Greek nouns ending in -tas and -as. Investigations into their origin and distribution (compared with the nouns ending in -eus). Publishing house of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 1994 (publications of the Mycenaean Commission, Volume 12) (= revised dissertation Zurich 1973). - Review by Yves Duhoux , in: L'Antiquité Classique 66, 1997, pp. 480-481, (online) .
  • The Mycenaean root compounds. Lic. Phil. Univ. Zurich, 1971.


  • William M. Calder III (Ed.): Hermann Diels (1848-1922) et la science de l'antiquité: huit exposés suivis de discussions. Avec la participation de Alex Leukart, François Paschoud and Olivier Reverdin . Fondation Hardt, Genève 1999. ISBN 2-600-00745-8 (Entretiens sur l'antiquité classique 45), (excerpts online)
  • Pylos Vn 493.1: a- <ko> -ro e-po a-ke-ra2-te. In: Ernesto de Miro, Louis Godart , Anna Sacconi (eds.), Atti e memorie del secondo congresso di micenologia, Roma-Napoli, 14-20 ottobre 1991. Rome 1996, pp. 311-314.
  • Les signes * 76 (ra2, “rja”) et * 68 (ro2, “rjo”) et le nom du grand prêtre de Poséidon (sinon du roi) à Pylos. In: Jean-Pierre Olivier (ed.), Mykenaïka. Actes du IXe Colloque International sur les Textes Mycéniens et Égéens. Athens 1992 (BCH Suppl. 25), 387-405.
  • Mycenaean o-nu-ka, o-nu-ke, etc. A concealed root compound? In: Petar Hr. Ilievski , Ljiljana Crepajac (Eds.), Tractata Mycenaea. Proceedings of the Eighth International Colloquium on Mycenaean Studies, Held in Ohrid (September 15-20, 1985). Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Skopje 1987, pp. 179-188.
  • Homeric ἀτρύγετος. In: Annemarie Etter (ed.), Oo-pe-ro-si. Festschrift for Ernst Risch on his 75th birthday. De Gruyter, Berlin, New York 1986, pp. 340-345, (excerpt online) .
  • νεανιας and the primeval Greek. Suffix -αν-. In:  Manfred Mayrhofer (Ed.), Sound history and etymology. Files from the sixth symposium of the Indo-European Society, Vienna, 24. – 29. September 1978. Wiesbaden 1980, pp. 238-247.
  • Autour de ka-ko na-wi-jo: quelques critères. In: Ernst Risch, Hugo Mühlestein (ed.), Colloquium Mycenaeum. Actes du VIe Colloque International sur les textes mycéniens et égéens, tenu à Chaumont-sur-Neuchâtel, du 7 au 13 September 1975. Geneva 1979, pp. 183-187.
  • Γύης et ἰστοβοεύς chez Hésiode: deux vestiges de l'époque mycénienne en béotien. In: Museum Helveticum 35, 1978, pp. 198-201, (online) .
  • Sur l'origine des adjectifs latins du type agrestis et campestris. In: Mélanges de Linguistique Offerts a Robert Godel. Librairie Droz, Genève 1977 (Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure, no. 31), pp. 117-126, (online) ; (online) .
  • On the origin of the Greek nouns of the type ἀγρότης, οἰκέτης and περι-κτίτης, κυν-ηγέτης. In: Helmut Rix (Ed.), Inflection and word formation. Files from the fifth conference of the Indo-European Society (Regensburg 1973). Reichert, Wiesbaden 1975, pp. 175-191.
  • Annemarie Etter, Marcel Looser (ed.): Ernst Risch, Small writings for the seventieth birthday. De Gruyter, Berlin, New York 1981, p. 183 (= A propos de l'origine des masculins grecs en -ᾶς. In: Bulletin de la Société Linguistique de Paris 69, 1974, pp. 109–119, there p. 116 ), (online) . - (Leukart's suggestion for word formation of the proper name Orestes)

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