Alexei Petrovich Pavlov

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Alexei Petrovich Pavlov

Alexei Petrovich Pavlov , Russian Алексей Петрович Павлов (November * 19 . Jul / 1. December  1854 greg. In Moscow ; † 9. September 1929 in Bad Tolz ) was a Russian geologist and paleontologist .


Pavlov graduated from Lomonosov University in 1878 and was then a high school teacher in Tver . In 1880 he became custodian of the geological museum of Lomonosov University. In 1884 he became a lecturer there, in 1886 he completed his habilitation (Russian doctoral thesis, on the ammonites of the Aspidoceras acanthicum zone) and from 1896 a full professor of geology and paleontology . He also taught at the Agricultural Academy in Petrovsk (1889 to 1892) and at the Moscow Archaeological Institute (1908 to 1919) as well as at the Guerrier courses (higher courses for women (WSchK)), where Vera Alexandrovna Warsanofieva was one of his students.

He dealt with stratigraphy and paleontology of the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous in Russia and their connection to the structure in Western Europe. From 1880 he researched the geology of the central Volga (Jura, Chalk), first for the Mineralogical Society, then for the Geological Committee. This was also the subject of his master’s dissertation (1884). He was an opponent of the introduction of the Volga Levels in the Upper Jura by Sergei Nikolajewitsch Nikitin and also treated the paleogeography of the Mesozoic Era of the Russian table . Pavlov was also the first to draw attention to the Shiguli Fault in the Volga region. He studied landslides in the Volga region and forecast oil deposits there in 1887 (which were later confirmed). He traveled to Western Europe and worked there with Melchior Neumayr , Jean Albert Gaudry and Eduard Suess and also conducted research in the Crimea , the Pechora region, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Later he turned to the Tertiary and Quaternary of the Volga region and its stratigraphy. His glacial geological investigations with his own classification of the Ice Age met with little approval abroad.



Web links

Commons : Alexei Petrovich Pavlov  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

References and comments

  1. Geological Review. Volume 1, Number 1, 1910, p. 11 .
  2. Paleontological Journal . Volume 1, Number 1, March 1914.
  3. Member entry of Alexej P. Pavlov at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on February 6, 2016.