Vera Alexandrovna Warsanofieva

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Vera Alexandrovna Warsanofjewa ( Russian Вера Александровна Варсанофьева ; born July 10 . Jul / 22. July  1890 greg. In Moscow ; † 29. June 1976 ibid) was a Russian - Soviet geologist , university teacher and writer .


Warsanofieva's father was a military man in Ryazan , so she grew up in Ryazan. Her French mother taught her foreign languages ​​and piqued her interest in science. 1903–1906 she attended the Maria-Mädchengymnasium in Ryazan and received the gold medal at the end. At the age of 14 she had already declared that she wanted to become a geologist. Her friend in her class was the sister of the future geologist Andrei Dmitrievich Arkhangelsky . To improve her mathematics and history , she completed the 8th grade of the private Jekimezkaja grammar school in Ryazan.

In 1907, Warsanofieva began studying the Guerrier Courses (Higher Courses for Women (WSchK)) in Moscow . During this time the geologists Alexei Petrovich Pavlov , Alexander Alexandrovich Tschernow and Anna Boleslavowna Missuna taught there . In the summer of 1911, Chernov organized the first expedition to the northern Urals for his students . After she had passed the state examinations of the 1st State Examination Commission for the WSchK in 1915, she was able to stay there at the Chair of Geology in order to prepare for a professorial career, and taught in the Pretschistenka worker courses. In 1916 she became a member of the Society of Friends of Natural Science , Anthropology and Ethnography .

After the October Revolution , Warsanofjewa was an assistant from 1918 and gave a lecture on geology and mineral resources at the Department of Geology at the WSchK. In 1919 she became a lecturer at the Chair of Geology at Moscow University (MGU) , headed by Alexei Petrovich Pavlov . From 1920 she gave a special geotectonics lecture. At the same time she taught at the Pedagogical Institutes in Tver and Ivanovo-Voznesensk and at the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Polytechnic Institute. 1921–1924 she carried out investigations in the Northern Urals. In 1925 she worked as a senior geologist on the Geological Committee and was briefly arrested.

From 1925, Warsanofjewa taught at the 2nd MGU, which emerged from the WSchK in 1918 and became the Moscow State Pedagogical University in 1930 , in the pedagogical faculty and headed the chair of geology. She gave the course lecture on mineralogy and geology including the basics of paleontology and gave lectures on dynamic and historical geology. In 1927 she became a member of the Geographical Society of the USSR . 1934–1935 she led the development of a methodology course for geology teaching at educational institutions. In 1935 she was the first woman in the USSR to receive a doctorate in geological and mineralogical sciences on the basis of her previous publications without defending a dissertation . She was appointed professor for this purpose.

In her book on the origin and structure of the earth , Warsanofjewa presented for the first time in popular science the basic ideas of Alexander Evgenjewitsch Fersman and Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky on geochemistry and cosmochemistry . She wrote a book about her teacher Alexei Petrovich Pavlov and biographical works about her contemporaries Vladimir Afanassjewitsch , Alexander Evgenjewitsch Fersman, Andrei Dmitrijewitsch Archangelski, Alexander Alexandrowitsch Tschernow and others. In 1945, Warsanofjewa was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR .

In 1954, Warsanofiev became a senior researcher at the Geological Institute of the Komi branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences . 1961–1964 she headed the Laboratory for Geomorphology and Quaternary Research there . She traveled frequently to Moscow for the Moscow Society of Naturalists , of which she had been vice-president since 1941 (member since 1923). She did not belong to the CPSU . In 1970 she retired and now lived in Moscow.

Warsanofieva was buried in the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Wear Warsanofjewas name a mountain and a glacier in the Polar Urals , a cape of the island of Novaya Zemlya and some fossil species : Tollina warsanofievae Barskaya (North Siberian stromatoporoids ) Palaeoleptophycus warsanofievae cords 1955 ( algae of the upper Cambrian in Siberia ), Darwinula warsanofievae Beliajeva ( ostracods of Perms of the Russian table ), Sphaerestheria warsanofievae Molin ( clamshell of the Perms of the Russian table ).


Web links

Commons : Vera Varsonofeva  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Biografija.Ru: Варсанофьева Вера Александровна (accessed February 28, 2020).
  2. a b c d e f g h i Irkutsk National Technical Research University : Вера Александровна Варсанофьева (accessed February 28, 2020).
  3. a b Naliwkin DW : Наши первые женщины-геологи . Nauka , Leningrad 1979.
  4. Варсанофьева В. А .: Происхождение Урала и его горных богатств . Центральное бюро краеведения РСФСР, 1934.
  5. Варсанофьева В. А .: Происхождение и строение Земли . 1945.
  6. Варсанофьева В. А .: Алексей Петрович Павлов и его роль в развитии геологии . 2nd Edition. Б. и., Moscow 1947.
  7. Крымгольц Г. Я., Крымгольц Н. Г .: Имена отечественных геологов в палеонтологических названиях . St. Petersburg 2000, p. 13 .