Anna Boleslawowna Missuna

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Anna Boleslawowna Missuna (1889)

Anna Boleslawowna Missuna ( Russian Анна Болеславовна Миссуна ; born October 31 . Jul / 12. November  1868 greg. In the estate Zabolotye, Ujesd Lepel , † 2. May 1922 in Moscow ) was a Russian geologist , paleontologist and university lecturer .


Missuna came from an impoverished Szlachta family. She attended the private girls' high school in Riga and studied from 1893-1896 in Moscow in the university-like higher courses for women founded by Vladimir Ivanovich Guerrier , which were then called collective lessons. She heard lectures by Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky , Alexei Petrovich Pavlov , Mikhail Alexandrovich Menzbier , Vladimir Dmitrievich Sokolov , Yevgrave Stepanovich Fyodorov and others. Her first geological work on the crystal forms of ammonium sulfate together with LW Jakowlewa appeared in 1898.

1906-1909 Missuna was the curator of the geological collection of the Moscow Society of Naturalists (MOIP), of which she was a member. In addition, in 1906 she was an assistant and then a lecturer in petrography , paleontology and historical geology in the Moscow Higher Courses for Women. Vera Alexandrovna Warsanofieva was one of her students .

Missuna examined the geological structure of the central and western regions of Belarus as well as the loess deposits on the Grodno Heights. She gave an explanation for the glacial relief of Belarus. She was the first in Russia to develop a method for studying terminal moraines and glacial formations. She discovered several Quaternary glaciations . She explored iron ore - and coal - deposits in the Tula Governorate and led hydrogeological investigations in the Tver province by. In the Crimea she made paleontological studies and described corals of the Jura in the Crimea. In the years 1907-1908 she published two articles about the new Knorpelfischart Protopirata (Edestus) Karpinskii Missuna in Mjatschkowo - horizon around Kolomna .

After the October Revolution , Missuna became a private lecturer in the geological faculty of Moscow University . She belonged to the Warsaw Society of Naturalists .

Missuna was buried in Moscow's Novodevichy Cemetery. Missuna roads there are in Polotsk and in Wetryna ( Rajon Polotsk). In 2003 a monument to Missuna was erected in Sabolotje.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Варсанофьева В.А .: Анна Болеславовна Миссуна: (Некролог) . In: Изв. Науч.-Eксперим. торф. ин-та . No. 2 , 1922, p. 230–233 ( [1] [PDF; accessed December 16, 2019]).
  2. a b c Marilyn Bailey Ogilvie, Joy Dorothy Harvey: The Biographical Dictionary of Women in Science: L-Z . Taylor & Francis , 2000, ISBN 978-0-415-92040-7 , pp. 899-900 .
  3. Missunianka А .: About the terminal moranas in Belarus and Lithuania . In: Journal of the German Geological Society . 1912.
  4. Missuna A .: About a new Edestus species from the carbon deposits of the surroundings of Kolomna . In: Bull. Soc. Imp. Nature. Moscou . tape 21 , no. 4 , 1907, pp. 529-535 .
  5. Missunianka А .: О novym gatunku Edestusa, znalezionym w wapieniu formacyi weeglowej w okolicach m. Kolomny gub. Moskiewskiej . In: Kosmos . tape 33 , no. 11-12 , 1908, pp. 604-621 .
  6. М. Х. Махлина, А. С. Алексеев, Н. В. Горева и др .: Средний карбон Московской синеклизы (южная часть). Том 2. Палеонтологическая характеристика . Научный мир, Moscow 2001.