Alfred Dillmann

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Alfred Dillmann (* 17th March 1849 in Germersheim , † 5. December 1924 ) was a lawyer and chief of police in the Kingdom of Bavaria , by the establishment of the Central Registration Office for then " Gypsy " people mentioned in the records department Lichen department of police in Munich was known . Dillmann's contribution to the repressive "Gypsy policy" is the systematic recording and control. His categorization according to “ racial ” and sociological criteria prevailed in official practice. The recording led to an equality of "Gypsies" and "Gypsy-style people" with serial offenders in everyday police operations.

School and study

Dillmann graduated from the Wilhelmsgymnasium in Munich in 1866 . He then studied law at the University of Munich .

Dillmann and the "Zigeunerzentrale"

Title page of the Gypsy book by Alfred Dillmann (1905)

In 1899, under Dillmann's leadership in Munich, the “ Intelligence Service for the Security Police in relation to Gypsies ”, or “Gypsy Central ” for short, began with the creation of a card index of all “Gypsies” in Germany who were older than six years. In addition to identification data, genealogical data and, above all, information on delinquency were collected. In 1905, Dillmann's Zigeuner-Buch was compiled from this collection. It contained details of 3,350 people and was made available to the police.

In the introduction to the book it says:

“The traveling people of the Gypsies have remained ... a harmful foreign body in German culture. All attempts to tie the gypsies to the clod and to get them used to a sedentary lifestyle have failed. Even draconian punishments could not dissuade them from their unsteady lifestyle and their penchant for unlawful asset acquisition. Despite multiple intermingling, their descendants have become Gypsies again with the same characteristics and habits that their ancestors had already had. "

- Dillmann (1905)

The book contains descriptions of people, e.g. Some with photos of those described. The book was distributed in 7,000 copies.

Dillmann's attempt to establish a “Reichszigeunerzentrale” based in Munich at a “Gypsy Conference” in Munich in 1911 failed because of the Prussian resistance.

The conference defined "Gypsies" in practice:

"Gypsies in the police sense are both the gypsies in the sense of racial science and the people wandering in the gypsy manner"

- quoted from Leo Lucassen (1911)

In 1925, a year after Dillmann's death, his intelligence service had files on 14,000 people and families from Germany.


  • Gypsy book; published for official use on behalf of the KB State Ministry of the Interior by the security office of the K. Police Directorate Munich. Munich, Dr. Wild'sche Buchdruckerei 1905.


  • Stephan Bauer: From Dillmann's Gypsy Book to the BKA. 100 years of recording and persecuting the Sinti and Roma in Germany. Siedentop, Heidenheim an der Brenz 2008, ISBN 978-3-925887-27-7 .

Archival material

  • Holdings Dillmann, Alfred Signature ED 459 (diary and political records from 1914) Institute for Contemporary History
  • Further comprehensive diary entries can be found in the Munich City Archives.

Individual evidence

  1. Finding aid for the holdings ED 459 (PDF; 38 kB), archive of the Institute for Contemporary History Munich, list of legacies from the Munich City Archive
  2. Review by Martin Holler on: Marion Bonillo: “Gypsy Policy” in the German Empire 1871–1918 ( ).
  3. ^ Annual report on the K. Wilhelms-Gymnasium in Munich 1865/66.
  4. ^ Till Bastian: Sinti and Roma in the Third Reich p. 21
  5. ( Memento of October 8, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Hans Hesse, Jens Schreiber: From the slaughterhouse to Auschwitz: the Nazi persecution of the Sinti and Roma from Bremen, Bremerhaven and Northwest Germany. P. 24 ( ).
  6. The foreign Europeans . In: Friday . January 26, 2007 ( ).
  7. ^ Israel W. Charny: Encyclopedia of genocide. P. 512 ( ).
  8. Leo Lucassen: "Harmful tramps" Police professionalization and gypsies in Germany, 1700–1945, pp. 29–50 ( ).
  9. Holler, Martin (2004), review of: Angelika Albrecht: Zigeuner in Altbayern 1871–1914. A social, economic and administrative historical investigation of the Bavarian gypsy policy. ( ).
  10. Hans Hesse, Jens Schreiber: From the slaughterhouse to Auschwitz: the Nazi persecution of the Sinti and Roma from Bremen, Bremerhaven and Northwest Germany . P. 24 ( ).
  11. Donald Kenrick: Historical Dictionary of the Gypsies (Romanies). 2nd Edition. Lanham, Maryland / Toronto / Plymouth 2007, p. 97.