Alfred Ernst (botanist)

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Alfred Ernst

Alfred Ernst (born February 21, 1875 in Winterthur ; † September 17, 1968 in Zurich , legal resident in Winterthur) was a Swiss botanist . Its botanical author's abbreviation is " A.Ernst ".


Alfred Ernst, son of the Zurich government councilor Heinrich Ernst, graduated from the teachers' seminar in Küsnacht , studied natural sciences in Paris between 1896 and 1897 . Immediately afterwards he held a teaching position in Naples . Ernst then continued his studies, doing his doctorate at the University of Zurich , where he completed his habilitation in 1901 as a private lecturer . In 1905 Ernst was appointed associate professor, and from 1909 until his retirement in 1945 he held the full professorship for general botany. In addition, Ernst served as rector from 1928 to 1930 .

Alfred Ernst - he conducted research in the Malay archipelago - dealt with the reproduction of algae , the embryology of flowering plants and the genetics of heterostyly in Primula species. Ernst traveled to Indonesia between 1905 and 1906 and 1930 and 1931, collecting mosses mainly on the second trip, including Plagiochila spinosissima Steph for the first time . , Aneura merapiensis Steph. and Anthoceros javanicus Steph. Marchantia ernstiana Steph was named after him .

In 1925 Ernst was elected a member of the Leopoldina . 1942 gave him the University of Bern , the honorary doctorate , in 1954 he became a corresponding member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences added. Alfred Ernst's estate is in the State Archives of the Canton of Zurich .

Alfred Ernst - his first marriage in 1907 was Anna Elisabeth, the daughter of Auguste Dorn, his second marriage in 1930 was the botanist Marthe Ernst-Schwarzenbach - he died at the age of 93.


  • Hybridization as the cause of apogamy in the plant kingdom: A hypothesis on experimental heredity and descent theory , Gustav Fischer Verlag , Jena 1918
  • With Fanni Moser: Origin, appearance and reproduction of the hybrid species Primula Pubescens Jacq. (Primula Auricula L. x Pr. Hirsuta all.) , Verlag Art, Institut Orell Füssli, Zurich 1925
  • Genetic studies on heterostyly in Primula , Verlag Art, Institut Orell Füssli, Zurich 1925
  • Further studies on the inheritance of Calcycanthemie at Primula , Verlag Art, Institut Orell Füssli, Zurich 1931
  • The progeny from crosses between dimorphic and monomorphic Primula species from the Candelabra section , Verlag Art, Institut Orell Füssli, Zurich 1943


Individual evidence

  1. Dr. Alfred Ernst , members of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences

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