Ali Sait Akbaytogan

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Ali Sait Akbaytogan

Ali Sait Akbaytogan (* 1872 in Manyas , Ottoman Empire ; † March 20, 1950 in Istanbul ) was a Turkish general of the army (Türk Kara Kuvetleri) who, among other things, was Commander-in-Chief of the 1st Army between 1924 and 1933 and Commander-in-Chief from 1933 to 1935 the 3rd Army was.


The tscherkessischstämmige Akbaytogan began officer training at the Army school after school (Harp Okulu) , which he in 1896 as a lieutenant (tegmen) graduated. In the following years he found various uses in various units of the Ottoman army and in 1897 to lieutenant (Üsteğmen) , 1898 to Captain (Yüzbaşı) , 1,901 to staff captain (Kıdemli Yüzbaşı) , 1907 Major (Binbaşı) and in 1911 to Lieutenant Colonel (Lt. Colonel) promoted. After participating in the Italo-Turkish War from 1911 to 1912and had participated in the Balkan Wars between 1912 and 1913 , he was promoted to colonel (Albay) in 1913 .

Akbaytogan also took part in the First World War and was promoted to major general (Tümgeneral) in 1915 . As such, he was taken prisoner of war in British Yemen in 1918 and returned to Istanbul after his release in 1919. First he became the XII. Corps and then to the XXV. Corps transferred. On March 16, 1920 he was again taken prisoner by the British and was exiled to Malta . After his release on October 31, 1921, he returned to the Ottoman Empire and took part in the Turkish War of Liberation .

On 20 December 1921 Akbaytogan Chairman of the Committee of Elviye-i Selase and on August 10, 1922 Chairman of the Military Court of Cassation (Askeri Yargitay) before it three weeks later, on September 2, 1922 deputy commander of the eastern front (Doğu Cephesi) was . He was awarded the Independence Medal ( İstiklâl Madalyası ) for his services in the War of Liberation . In 1923 he was promoted to lieutenant general (co- general ) and on October 4, 1924 to commanding general of the 4th Corps.

Already on November 13, 1924 Akbaytogan became commander in chief of the 1st Army (Birinci Ordu) and held this post for more than nine years until November 22, 1933. During this time he was promoted to General (Orgeneral) in 1927 . On November 22, 1933 he became Commander-in-Chief of the 3rd Army (Üçüncü Ordu) and remained in this position until August 24, 1935.

In the election of February 8, 1935 , Akbaytogan became a member of the Grand National Assembly TBMM (Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi) , which he held after his re-election in the March 26, 1939 election during the fifth and sixth legislative periods from March 1, 1935 to March 15 December 1943 belonged to. He also became a member of the Supreme Military Council (Yüksek Askerî Şûra) , to which he belonged until his retirement on July 14, 1937.

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  • Entry in Kim Kimdir? (Who is who?)