Ali ibn Ridwan

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Ali ibn Ridwan , also Hali or Abenrodano Arabic أبو الحسن علي بن رضوان Abu l-Hasan ʿAli ibn Ridwan , DMG Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAlī b. Ridwan , (* around 988 (other data: to 998 ) in Giza in Cairo , Egypt , † 1061 / 62 or 1067 / 68 in Cairo) was Egyptian physician and astrologer.


Ali ibn Ridwan was born in Giza , the son of a baker . Before he was 15 years old, he began to study medicine as a self-taught and became a practicing doctor. He also studied philosophy .

He also hired himself as an astrologer in order to be able to continue his philosophical and medical studies. He is also known for his observation of Supernova 1006 .

He was the personal physician of the Fatimid caliph Mustanṣir . Later he was in the service of the caliph al-Hakim and was the chief of the Egyptian doctors of the time. Ali ibn Ridwan wrote several important books on Arabic medicine . Around 1051 he wrote Dafe 'Madaar al Abdaan Be Ard Misr - Avoiding damage to the body in the land of Egypt . This work was later translated into Latin and used in the Christian Frankish Empire . The second book, Al-Oussool fi al Tibb - The Principles of Medicine , was later translated into Hebrew .

He also wrote a few short essays on various medical topics, including a. about leprosy , elephantiasis , epidemics , dyspnea . He is known for his commentaries on the medical works of Hippocrates , Claudius Ptolemy , and Galenus . His commentary on Galenos' Ars Parva was translated into Hebrew by Samuel ibn Tibbon . Ali ibn Ridwan, who (probably at the Baghdad ʿAdudī hospital) was also a student of the Nestorian doctor, philosopher and theologian Abdallāh Ibn alṭ-Ṭaiyib († 1043) exchanged several pamphlets, some of which were polemical , with the Baghdad doctor Ibn Butlan .

After Alistair Cameron Crombie , he also contributed to the theory of induction .

In the Middle Ages, Ali was often portrayed as one of the Four Wise Men.


  • Commentary on Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos
  • Luca Gaurico (Ed.): De revolutionibus nativitatum , Venice (1524)
  • Tractatus de cometarum significationibus per xii signa zodiaci , Nuremberg (1563)


Web links

Commons : Ali ibn Ridwan  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files


  1. 453 AH
  2. 460 AH
  3. ^ Friedrun Hau: Ibn Riḍwān. P. 1251.
  4. ^ Friedrun R. Hau: Ibn aṭ-Ṭaiyib. In: Werner E. Gerabek u. a. (Ed.): Encyclopedia of medical history. De Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2005, ISBN 3-11-015714-4 , p. 1378 f.
  5. ^ Alistair Cameron Crombie : Augustine to Galileo: The History of Science AD ​​400-1650. Revised edition, Penguin 1969 [1952], ISBN 0-14-055074-7 (German: From Augustine to Galilei: the emancipation of natural science. Dtv, Munich 1977, ISBN 3-423-04285-0 ).