Aloe peckii

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Aloe peckii
Order : Asparagales (Asparagales)
Family : Grass trees (Xanthorrhoeaceae)
Subfamily : Affodilla family (Asphodeloideae)
Genre : Aloes ( aloe )
Type : Aloe peckii
Scientific name
Aloe peckii
PROBally & I.Verd.

Aloe peckii is a species of aloes in the subfamily of the Affodilla family (Asphodeloideae). The specific epithet peckii honors Major EA Peck.


Vegetative characteristics

Aloe peckii grows stemless, is simple or forms small, dense groups. The 14 to 16 lanceolate leaves form dense rosettes . The olive-green leaf blade is 16 inches long and 6 inches wide. As a rule, there are many elongated, whitish-green spots on it. The stinging, brownish teeth on the leaf margin are about 3 to 4 millimeters long and 6 to 10 millimeters apart. The leaf juice dries dark brown.

Inflorescences and flowers

The inflorescence has six to eight branches and reaches a length of 60 to 80 centimeters. The rather dense, cylindrical grapes are 15 to 20 inches long and 5 inches wide. The egg-shaped narrowed, light brown bracts have a length of 10 to 12 millimeters and are 4 millimeters wide. The straw-colored to greenish yellow flowers are on 10 millimeter long flower stalks . They are 25 to 30 millimeters long and narrowed briefly at their base. At the level of the ovary , the flowers are 7 millimeters in diameter. Above it they are slightly narrowed and finally slightly widened to the mouth. Your outer tepals are not fused together over a length of about 14 millimeters. The stamens protrude 2 to 4 millimeters from the flower.


The number of chromosomes is .

Systematics and distribution

In Somalia, Aloe peckii is mostly found in the shade on gypsum floors at altitudes of around 1500 meters.

The first description by Peter René Oscar Bally and Inez Clare Verdoorn was published in 1956.



Individual evidence

  1. Gideon F. Smith, Colin C. Walker, Estrela Figueiredo: What's in a name: epithets in Aloe L. (Asphodelaceae) and what to call the next new species . In: Bradleya . Volume 28, 2010, p. 97.
  2. ^ Flowering Plants of Africa . Volume 31, 1956, plate 1214.