Aloe ruffingiana

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Aloe ruffingiana
Order : Asparagales (Asparagales)
Family : Grass trees (Xanthorrhoeaceae)
Subfamily : Affodilla family (Asphodeloideae)
Genre : Aloes ( aloe )
Type : Aloe ruffingiana
Scientific name
Aloe ruffingiana
Rauh & Petignat

Aloe ruffingiana is a species of aloes in the subfamily of the Affodilla family (Asphodeloideae). The specific epithet ruffingiana honors the German doctor Erich Ruffing (1919–2005).


Vegetative characteristics

Aloe ruffingiana grows without stems, branches and forms groups. The approximately 15 spread, oval-triangular, narrowed leaves form a dense rosette . The green leaf blade is 10 to 15 inches long and 4 inches wide. It is covered on both sides with numerous somewhat rectangular white spots. The light green leaf margin has a narrow reddish edge. The triangular, white or reddish teeth on the leaf margin are shorter than 1 millimeter. The leaf juice is colorless.

Inflorescences and flowers

The upright, usually simple inflorescence has an occasional branch and reaches a length of up to 25 centimeters. The loose, cylindrical grapes are 6 centimeters long and consist of 10 to 15 flowers. The lanceolate bracts have a length of 10 millimeters. The flowers , which are red at the base and whitish above, have a green central stripe and stand on about 15 millimeter long, red peduncles . The flowers are 25 to 28 millimeters long and rounded at their base. At the level of the ovary , the flowers have a diameter of 4 millimeters. Above this they are slightly narrowed and finally widened towards the mouth. Your outer tepals are not fused together. The stamens and the pen stand 2 to 4 millimeters out from the flower.

Systematics and distribution

Aloe ruffingiana is widespread in Madagascar in the open bush on granite.

The first description by Werner Rauh and Herman Petignat was published in 1999.

A nomenclatory synonym is Aloe deltoideodonta var. Ruffingiana (Rauh & Petignat) J.-B.Castillon & J.-P.Castillon (2010).



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Medical Council Dr. med Erich Ruffing + Honorary Consul of the Republic of Madagascar . (accessed on November 20, 2012)
  2. Gideon F. Smith, Colin C. Walker, Estrela Figueiredo: What's in a name: epithets in Aloe L. (Asphodelaceae) and what to call the next new species . In: Bradleya . Volume 28, 2010, p. 99.
  3. Werner Rauh, Herman Petignat: A new aloe from Madagascar: Aloe ruffingiana spec. nov. In: Cacti and other succulents . Volume 50, Number 11, 1999, pp. 270-272.
  4. ^ Jean-Bernard Castillon: The Aloe of Madagascar . Self-published, 2010, ISBN 978-2746618725 , p. 28.

Web links

  • Photo of Aloe ruffingiana