Amadou Gaoh

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Amadou Gaoh (* 1925 in Matankari ; † October 30, 2015 ) was a Nigerien politician.


Amadou Gaoh came from a family of traditional rulers. He attended the primary schools operated by the French colonial administration in Maradi and Dosso and the secondary primary school in Niamey . He graduated from the École normal William Ponty in 1946 . He then served with the Tirailleurs sénégalais and began to work at the same time for the state finance administration in Niamey.

As a member of the Nigerien Progressive Party , Gaoh was elected to the Nigerien Territorial Assembly in 1957 and again in 1958 in Dogondoutchi County, the predecessor of the National Assembly , of which he was a member until 1974. There he mainly worked in committees on finance and economics and was involved in interparliamentary organizations. He also worked as President-directeur général of the state-owned companies Société Nigérienne d'Urbanisme et de Construction Immobilière (SONUCI) and Société Nigérienne de Commercialization de l'Arachide (SONARA).

After Seyni Kountché's coup against President Hamani Diori in 1974, Amadou Gaoh worked in the Treasury. He retired there in 1980. In 1981 he was appointed head of the canton of Dogondoutchi with the traditional title of sarkin Aréwa as the successor to his brother Soumana Gaoh . He held this office for 34 years until his death in 2015. He was also a member of the Council of Elders, which was convened in 1996 after Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara's coup .

Amadou Gaoh had 15 children. He was buried in Matankari. He was succeeded as sarkin Aréwa in 2018 by Amadou Sabo.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Décès du chef de canton de l'Aréwa après 34 ans de règne. In: November 2, 2015, accessed August 26, 2018 (French).
  2. ^ A b c André Salifou : Biographie politique de Hamani Diori. Premier President de la République du Niger . Karthala, Paris 2010, ISBN 978-2-8111-0202-9 , pp. 303-304 .
  3. Chefferie de l'Aréwa: Le ministre de l'Intérieur confirme l'élection de M. Amadou Sabo. In: Niger Diaspora. August 25, 2018, accessed August 26, 2018 (French).
  4. ^ Cérémonie de prize d'armes, suivie de décoration des anciens députés de la première législature du Niger, à l'occasion de la Fête de la République. In: Le Sahel . December 19, 2012, accessed July 5, 2013 (French).