Rampage in Heidelberg

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Rampage in Heidelberg
Rampage in Heidelberg (Baden-Württemberg)
Location of Baden-Württemberg in Germany
location Heidelberg , Baden-Wuerttemberg , GermanyBaden-Wuerttemberg Germany 
date January 24, 2022, from 12:24 p.m. ( CET )
Type Rampage
dead 1
injured 3
victim students
perpetrator Nico G (†)

The Heidelberg rampage was a killing spree that occurred on January 24, 2022 in a lecture hall at the Ruprecht-Karls University in Heidelberg , Baden-Württemberg . A 23-year-old student was killed and three other students injured. It was the first fatal firearms attack at a German educational institution since the Winnenden and Wendlingen shootings in March 2009.

course of events

Botanical Garden at Neuenheimer Feld

The perpetrator, armed with a side-by- side shotgun , a lever -action rifle and more than 100 rounds of ammunition, entered a running tutorial for organic chemistry in the lecture hall of the INF 360 building on the Im Neuenheimer Feld campus of the university and immediately shot a 23-year-old student. At around 12:24 p.m., seven emergency calls were received by the police emergency call center within 43 seconds. A student was killed by the shots and three other people were injured, some seriously, possibly by individual, stray shotgun balls. Meanwhile, other students drew attention to the shooting via WhatsApp groups and demanded that everyone go into the buildings, while in the university building itself all the doors of the lecture halls were locked from the inside and an emergency alarm button in the building was pressed, indicating the arrival of the assistants significantly accelerated. After the crime, the perpetrator fled outside with his backpack and killed himself in the campus's botanical garden on Neuenheimer Feld. The police ruled out both a political and a religious motivation for the crime. The area around the crime scene was cordoned off until the afternoon.


A 23-year-old student who was seriously injured by a shot in the head died on the same day as a result. Three other students, two 19- and 20-year-old women and a 20-year-old man, were treated in hospital after minor injuries from the shots and were released by the following day.


The perpetrator was 18-year-old Nicolai G., a biosciences student from Berlin-Wilmersdorf , who had not previously appeared to the police and lived in seclusion in a simple student apartment in Mannheim . He had previously announced the crime in a WhatsApp message to his father and said that "people now have to be punished" and that he would like a burial at sea instead of a conventional one , said Siegfried Kollmar , President of the Mannheim Police Headquarters . The father then alerted the Heidelberg police at 12:32 p.m. The perpetrator had procured the murder weapons abroad just a few days before the crime. He did not possess a gun license . The event in the lecture hall was a tutorial for the perpetrator's course, but was not part of his courses. The perpetrator's apartment was searched shortly after the crime and evidence was secured . The man had purchase receipts for two guns with more than 100 rounds of ammunition in a backpack.

Political Reactions

Heidelberg's Lord Mayor, Eckart Würzner ( independent ) said: "The heart of the science city ​​of Heidelberg beats on this campus . People from all over the world study, research and work there on solutions for a better future. The fact that a violent criminal invades this world and seriously injures people stuns me and our entire city society".

Chancellor Olaf Scholz ( SPD ) said after a conference with the prime ministers in Berlin : "It breaks my heart to hear such news".

Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann ( Greens ) expressed his dismay after the conference, saying that he stands by all families and relatives. "Our police are investigating under high pressure and are doing everything they can to quickly clarify the background to the crime."

Baden-Württemberg's Interior Minister Thomas Strobl ( CDU ) explained: "Events like today in Heidelberg always leave us shocked and at a loss, the first few hours are dominated by a lack of understanding. Today we were confronted with a horrific and senseless act of violence in which a young man shot and killed several people in a university building.”

Meanwhile, the city of Heidelberg and the university are planning funeral services. Victim protection organizations and churches offer appropriate help for the injured, relatives and witnesses of the crime. Interior Minister Strobl campaigned to accept these offers.


  1. a b Attack in Heidelberg – young woman dies after being shot in the head. In: Mirror Online. January 24, 2022, retrieved January 24, 2022 .
  2. a b the question of why. In: Tagesschau. Norddeutscher Rundfunk, January 25, 2022, retrieved January 26, 2022 .
  3. Newsblog on the shooting spree in Heidelberg. In: Stuttgart News. January 24, 2022, retrieved January 24, 2022 .
  4. a b c Heidelberg: Attacker is said to have bought weapons abroad shortly before . In: The Mirror . January 24, 2022, ISSN  2195-1349 ( spiegel.de [accessed January 24, 2022]).
  5. a b c Alleged rampage in Heidelberg: "Help - here is an assassin!" Retrieved on January 25, 2022 .
  6. Young woman dies after rampage in Heidelberg. In: Tagesschau. Norddeutscher Rundfunk, January 24, 2022, retrieved January 26, 2022 .
  7. a b c Daniel Hinz, Rüdiger Soldt: Rampage in Heidelberg: "People must be punished" . In: FAZ.NET . ISSN  0174-4909 ( faz.net [accessed 25 January 2022]).
  8. Tagesschau, ARD, January 24, 2022 (broadcast at 8 p.m.)
  9. Heidelberg: WhatsApp before rampage – alleged perpetrator († 18) wanted to “punish people”. Retrieved January 24, 2022 .
  10. University rampage: Father of Heidelberg suspect reported to police . In: FAZ.NET . ISSN  0174-4909 ( faz.net [accessed 25 January 2022]).
  11. tagesschau.de: https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/attack-heidelberg-105.html , retrieved on January 25, 2022.
  12. heidelberg24.de: https://www.heidelberg24.de/heidelberg/heidelberg-amoklauf-universitaet-neuenheimer-feld-reflexionen-politik-91257031.html , retrieved on January 25, 2022.
  13. zeit.de: https://www.zeit.de/news/2022-01/24/scholz-zu-amoklauf-in-heidelberg-es-zerreisst-mir-das-herz , retrieved on January 25, 2022.
  14. swr.de: https://www.swr.de/swraktuell/baden-wuerttemberg/mannheim/polizei-usa-heidelberg-neuenheim-100.html , retrieved on January 25, 2022.
  15. State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg : https://stm.baden-wuerttemberg.de/de/service/presse/meldung/pid/amoklauf-an-der-universitaet-von-heidelberg/ , retrieved on January 25, 2022.