Cultural Heritage Office

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The State Office for Cultural Heritage ( Chinese  國家 文物 局  /  国家 文物 局 , Pinyin Guójiā Wénwùjú ) is a state authority of the government of the People's Republic of China for monument protection and preservation. The Ministry of Culture set up the office to preserve the nationwide cultural assets and to manage the museums.


Inner departments

  • General office (办公室)
  • Department of Politics and Law (政策 法规 司)
  • Deputation (督察 司)
  • Department of Monument Protection and Archeology (文物保护 与 考古 司)
  • Department of Museums (博物馆 与 社会 文物 司)
  • Human Resources Department (人事 司)


The office includes 8 institutions.

  • Luxun Museum in Beijing (北京 鲁迅 博物馆)
  • Chinese Academy for Cultural Heritage Research (中国 文化遗产 研究院)
  • Chinese Heritage Newspaper Publishing House (中国 文物 报社)
  • Monument information center (中国 文物 信息 咨询 中心)
  • Communication center for memorial (中国 文物 交流 中心)
  • Kulturerbe-Verlag (文物 出版社)
  • Service center (机关 服务 中心)

List of chief officers

  • Zheng Zhenduo (郑振铎, December 1949 to October 1958)
  • Wang Yeqiu (王 冶 秋, October 1958 to May 1970, October 1973 to November 1979)
  • Ren Zhibin (任 质 斌, January 1980 to May 1982)
  • Sun Zhiqing (孙轶清, May 1982 to March 1984)
  • Lv Jimin (吕济民, March 1984 to April 1988)
  • Zhang Deqin (张德勤, April 1988 to September 1996)
  • Zhang Wenbin (张文彬, September 1996 to August 2002)
  • Shan Jixiang (单 霁 翔, August 2002 to February 2012)
  • Li Xiaojie (励 小 捷, February 2012 to October 2015)
  • Liu Yuzhu (刘玉珠, since October 2015)

See also

Monuments of the People's Republic of China

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Commissions, ministries, authorities, associations, academies and societies of the PRC