Andrzej Milczanowski

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Andrzej Stanisław Milczanowski (* 26. May 1939 in Rivne in Volyn - today Ukraine ) is a Polish lawyer and politician .

In the 1970s, the then prosecutor and legal advisor worked with the opposition committee for the defense of workers (Komitet Obrony Robotników) and in 1980 he joined Solidarność . He was imprisoned from 1981 to 1984 and was supported as a political prisoner by Amnesty International .

In 1990 he started his work in Urząd Ochrony Państwa, Poland (Office for State Security) as Deputy Head of Authority. He became the head of this agency in August 1990 and held this position until January 1992 and from June to July 1992. In July 1992 he was appointed Minister of the Interior in the Hanna Suchocka government and continued to hold this office in the subsequent governments of Waldemar Pawlak and Józef Oleksy . He resigned on December 22, 1995 after the election of Aleksander Kwaśniewski as president .

One day before submitting his resignation, he published information in the Sejm about an alleged cooperation between Prime Minister Józef Oleksy and the Soviet and Russian secret services , which marked the beginning of the so-called " Olin Affair ". The allegations against Oleksy were never confirmed, but led to the overthrow of the Oleksy government. The prosecution charged Milczanowski with disclosing state secrets, but he was eventually acquitted.

Then Andrzej Milczanowski worked as a notary in Szczecin and ran a notary's office with his wife Sławomira.

Individual evidence

  1. Były szef MSW uniewinniony z zarzutu ujawnienia tajemnicy Wirtualna Polska (in Polish)