Anna Höllering

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Anna Höllering in 1928

Anna Höllering (born April 16, 1895 in Baden near Vienna , Austria-Hungary ; † September 3, 1987 in Natschbach ) was an Austrian film editor , painter and theater actress .

life and work

Anna Höllering was the daughter of the theater musician and theater director Georg H. Höllering and his wife Maria Magdalena Höllering. Her siblings were the film director and cinema operator George Hoellering , the journalist and writer Franz Xaver Hoellering, and the trained pediatric nurse Magdalena Höllering (after marriages first school yard, later Sutton).

Anna Höllering studied at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and was a member of the Association of Austrian Women Artists . She was a student of the painter Johannes Itten , with whom she also had a close friendship. She was also active as a theater actress, including at the Wiener Komödienhaus, the Wiener Volksbühne and the Neue Wiener Bühne.

In 1923 she married the writer Georg Kulka in Baden . In 1923 and 1924, Höllering worked as an actress in Jacob Levy Moreno's impromptu theater . There Moreno performed an experimental therapeutic game with the Kulka / Höllering couple, which is considered the origin of psychodrama : the couple was asked to present their marital problems on stage, which triggered a liberating effect on both of them.

Georg Kulka committed suicide in 1929, and Höllering moved to Berlin in 1930 . Here she worked as a theater actress for a few years before starting a new career as an editor in German and Austrian film.

From the mid-1930s to the end of the 1960s, Höllering was responsible for editing around 30 film productions . These include: The Great Love , the commercially most successful Nazi propaganda feature film; The Trial , GW Pabst's first post-war film , as well as the 1953 literary film adaptation Pünktchen und Anton . Anna Höllering and director Rolf Hansen had a particularly close working partnership ; They made a total of 14 films together between 1940 and 1960.

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Höllering, Anna (1895-1987). Kalliope Association, October 29, 2019, accessed December 27, 2019 .
  2. a b c Jacob Levy Moreno. Association of Austrian Women Artists (VBKÖ), accessed on December 26, 2019 .
  3. Sebastian Ziegaus: The dependence of the social sciences on their media . Basics of communicative social research. Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld 2009, ISBN 978-3-8376-1318-6 , p. 229 .