Anna Lührmann

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Anna Lührmann

Anna Lührmann (* 14. June 1983 in Lich ) from 2002 to 2009 Member of the German Bundestag (Group Alliance 90 / The Greens ) and also youngest ever elected to the Bundestag deputies . She is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Gothenburg .

Life and work

Anna Lührmann spent an exchange year with Youth For Understanding in Syracuse (New York) , USA , from 1999 to 2000 . After graduating from the Main-Taunus-Schule in Hofheim am Taunus in 2002 , Lührmann began studying social science at the Humboldt University in Berlin . From 2003 to 2008 she studied at the Fernuniversität in Hagen and obtained a bachelor's degree in "Politics and Organization". She completed her master's degree from 2009 to 2011 at Ahfad University for Women in Sudan in the subject " Gender and Peace Studies ". In addition, she trained Sudanese MPs, including a. on democratic instruments for the separation and control of powers .

In 2011 she returned to the Humboldt University of Berlin and received her doctorate in 2015 from the Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences on the subject of UN Electoral Assistance: Enhancing Democratization or Legitimizing Authoritarian Rule? . She is the author of the 2013 United Nations Development Program Enhancing Youth Political Participation Throughout the Electoral Cycle - A Good Practice Guide . In January 2015 she published an article on Elections and Peace in Africa: Perspectives for 2015 . Since August 2015 she has been working as a post-doctoral researcher at the V-Dem Institute at the University of Gothenburg.


According to her own statements, Anna Lührmann became involved in a green team , the youth groups of Greenpeace , from 1992 at the age of nine . In 1997 she became a member of the Green Youth and in 1998 also of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen. From 1998 to 1999 and from 2001 to 2003 she was the spokesperson for the Green Youth of Hesse . From 2000 to 2003 she was also a member of the board of the Main-Taunus district association of the Greens.

From 2002 to 2009 she was a member of the German Bundestag . Since September 2004 she has been a member of the Budget Committee . Anna Lührmann has always entered the Bundestag via the Hesse state list. Since June 2007 she has been the sponsor of the Federal President Theodor Heuss School Homberg in the project School without Racism - School with Courage . In 2009 Lührmann did not run for the German Bundestag again.


Lührmann is married to the diplomat and former German ambassador to Sudan, Rainer Eberle . The couple have a daughter together.

Web links

Commons : Anna Lührmann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Former MP Anna Lührmann: Once Sudan and back , KarriereSpiegel, Annick Eimer / Anna Lührmann, July 6, 2011, accessed on July 6, 2011.
  2. ^ Humboldt University of Berlin: Anna Lührmann
  3. ^ Anna Lührmann: Enhancing Youth Political Participation Throughout the Electoral Cycle - A Good Practice Guide .
  4. CIDOB: Elections and Peace in Africa: Perspectives for 2015 , January 2015.
  5. V-Dem: Researchers , accessed on September 11, 2015.
  6. Spiegel-Online of September 25, 2009: Departure of Anna Lührmann, Member of the Bundestag, “Sometimes she annoyed”. Retrieved June 22, 2010.
  7. Landesverband BÜNDNIS 90 / DIE GRÜNEN Hessen: Hessische GRÜNE active against demographic change. July 2, 2008, accessed February 18, 2016 .