Anne-Catherine Martenet

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Anne-Catherine Martenet (born March 23, 1930 in Lausanne ; † May 23, 2015 in Zurich ) was a Swiss ophthalmologist and one of the first professors of medicine at the University of Zurich .


Anne-Catherine Martenet's parents came from the canton of Neuchâtel . Martenet's maternal uncle was the painter Edmond Bille . She spent the first years of life in Paris . The family returned to Switzerland in 1940 because of the Second World War . In 1961, his father, Maurice Martenet, became Professor of Metallurgy at EPFL .

Martenet attended high school in Vevey and Lausanne and studied medicine at the University of Lausanne . In 1955 she passed the state examination. After two years of training at the District Hospital in Moutier and the City Hospital in Neuchâtel , she began her training as an ophthalmologist at the University Hospital Zurich in 1957 , first under Marc Amsler , and from 1961 under Rudolf Witmer . In the same year she did her doctorate with a dissertation on eye accidents in children . In 1964 she became a senior physician in Zurich and was soon able to complete a one-year research stay at the UCSF Medical Center in San Francisco. There she worked experimentally to herpes simplex - uveitis .

In 1970 she became the first woman to do her habilitation in ophthalmology at the University of Zurich with a thesis on Virus et uvéites . For this she received the Alfred Vogt Prize. In 1974 she was appointed head doctor of the ophthalmic polyclinic at the University Hospital Zurich. In 1976 Anne-Catherine Martenet was appointed adjunct professor . She was one of the first professors of medicine at the University of Zurich and, together with the anesthetist Ruth Gattiker, the first to work experimentally and clinically and to pursue an academic career. In 1994 she retired. From 1988 to 1990 she was the first woman president of the Swiss Ophthalmological Society. She was also president of the Swiss Fund to Prevent and Combat Blindness for many years.

Research priorities

Martenet's research field was uveitis , the inflammatory disease of the choroid, which at that time was still one of the most common causes of blindness. In 1978 she was a co-founder of the "International Uveitis Study Group". In 1988 she founded the “Swiss Group for the Study of Uveitis”. In doing so, she contributed significantly to a better understanding of the disease, its diagnosis and treatment. Her work on the cytostatic therapy of severe rheumatoid uveitis in childhood was leading the way. In addition to around 150 scientific texts, she also preferred articles that brought the developments in ophthalmology closer to a wider audience.


  • Alfred Vogt Prize, 1973
  • Honorary membership of the Swiss Ophthalmological Society
  • Honorary membership of the Société Française d'Ophtalmologie

Publications (selection)

  • Les accidents occulaires chez les enfants . Dissertation. Zurich 1961.
  • Herpes simplex uveitis. An experimental study. In: Arch Ophthalmol. Volume 76, 1966, pp. 858-865.
  • L'Uvéite hérpetique peut-elle ètre une réaction antigène-anticorps? In: Acta XX Conc. Ophthalmol Int Munich. 1966, pp. 340-343.
  • Virus et uvéites. Doin, Paris 1971.
  • Antibodies to Uvea in the Eye. In: Ophthalm Res. Volume 9, 1977, pp. 106-111.
  • The uveitis. In: Deutsches Aerzteblatt. Volume 91, May 13, 1994, pp. A 1372-A 1377.
  • F. Verrey, R. Witmer: Influence d'un nouveau cytostatique dérivé de la méthylhydracine sur l'uvéite expérimentale du lapin. In: Ophthalmologica. Volume 150, 1969, pp. 97-106.
  • Immunosuppressive therapy of uveitis: mid and long term follow-up after classical cytostatic treatment. In: M. Usui, S. Ohno, K. Aoki (Eds.): Ocular immunology today. Elsevier sc publ, 1990, pp. 442-446.
  • Therapeutique de l'uvéite infantile dans l'arthriterheumatoid juvenile . Atti giorn, sull'interessamento ocular nei rheumatism chronici infantile. Boots-Formenti, Milano 1984, pp. 77-84.
  • Unusual ocular lesions in AIDS. In: International Ophthalmology. Volume 14, 1990, pp. 359-363.
  • Uveitis research 1963-1993. In: Klin Mbl Augenheilkd. Volume 205, 1994, pp. 3-13.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Web portal of the eye clinic of the University Hospital Zurich
  2. ^ Dossier Anne-Catherine Martenet in the UZH archive
  3. Mutations at the Swiss Fund to Prevent and Combat Blindness
  4. ^ International Uveitis Study Group