Annie Mumolo

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Anne "Annie" Marie Mumolo (born July 10, 1973 in Irvine , California ) is an American screenwriter , voice actress and actress . She was nominated for an Oscar in 2012 for the screenplay for Bridal Alarm , which Mumolo wrote together with Kristen Wiig .


Mumolo was a member of the improvisational theater group The Groundlings and performed there with Kristen Wiig. Mumolo made one of her first film appearances in 2005 in Love with a Witch . From 2004 to 2007 she dubbed Kylie in the cartoon series Maya & Miguel . Since 2006 Mumolo has played the recurring role of Bill in the animated series Coco, the curious monkey . Mumolo made a guest appearance in bridal alarm as the nervous woman sitting next to Wiig on the plane.

Filmography (selection)

As an actress

As a voice actress

As a screenwriter


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Annie Mumolo on, accessed January 7, 2012.