Antoine Beyens

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Antoine Beyens

Antoine Beyens (born October 6, 1906 in Paris , † December 15, 1995 in Brussels ) was a Belgian diplomat , most recently with the rank of ambassador .


Antoine Beyens was the son of Marguerite Oppenheim and Eugène Beyens . In 1935, Antoine Beyens was second-class embassy secretary in Washington. Antoine Beyens was in Mexico until 1939. In 1940 Antoine Beyens was in London with Paul-Henri Spaak's Belgian government in exile .

From November 1945 Antoine Beyens negotiated with the government of Francisco Franco about an extradition of Léon Degrelle . Spaak had publicly made the extradition of Degrelle as a prerequisite for sending an ambassador. On December 15, 1946, he replaced Jacques de Thier as chargé d'affaires in Madrid. In early 1951, Beyens moved to French Morocco in Rabat as consul general . From 1958 to 1962 Beyens was ambassador to António de Oliveira Salazar in Lisbon . From 1963 to 1967 Beyens was ambassador to Francisco Franco. From 1967 to 1971 Beyens was employed in the personnel department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Individual evidence

  1. Santiago Olives Canals, Stephen Taylor, Who's Who in Spain: Volume 1, 1963
predecessor Office successor
Chargé d'affaires : Jacques de Thier Belgian Chargé d'affaires in Madrid
December 15, 1946 − early 1951
Ambassador: Eugène II. De Ligne
Belgian consul general in Rabat
early 1951-1958
Marcel Dupret
Etienne Ruzette Belgian ambassador in Lisbon
Louis Goffin
Eugène II. De Ligne Belgian envoy in Madrid
Prosper Poswick