Anton Wolf von Haxthausen

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Anton Wolf von Haxthausen (born June 1, 1647 in Thienhausen , † November 19, 1694 in Berlin ) was a German diplomat and Oberlanddrost in the Danish service .



Haxthausen was the eldest son of Wolf von Haxthausen and his wife Mechthilde Sophie geb. from Hanxleben. On his father's side, he came from the Lutheran branch of the old Westphalian noble family Haxthausen , which belongs to the primeval nobility in the prince-bishopric of Paderborn .


With seven years Haxthausen came as a Page to the court of last Oldenburg Count Anton Günther von Oldenburg , a childhood friend of his father. Here he received a careful upbringing and left Oldenburg after the death of the Count in 1669 to serve as a Junker in the service of the Danish King Friedrich III. to kick. By the extinction of the Oldenburg count line Friedrich III. also became ruler of Oldenburg. When Christian V of Denmark ascended the throne in 1670, Haxthausen soon belonged to the inner circle of the court and quickly made a career, as he shared a keen interest in horses with the king. So in 1671 he was first riding junior and then stable master , 1679 first stable master and 1680 head stable master. The king, who was very satisfied with Haxthausen's work in setting up the soon-to-be-famous stud at Frederiksborg Castle , also entrusted him with diplomatic tasks. In 1676 Haxthausen traveled to Braunschweig and Hessen-Kassel to solicit support for the Northern War against Sweden . In 1678 he concluded an aid agreement with the Bishop of Münster . In 1687 he, meanwhile holder of the second highest Danish order, the Dannebrogord , worked as an extraordinary envoy in Dresden , Celle , Hanover and Vienna .

On May 31, 1692 he was appointed Oberlanddrosten of the counties of Oldenburg and Delmenhorst , which belong to Denmark , but already stayed in Oldenburg from 1683, where he ran the business of Oberlanddrosten for the sick incumbent Burchard von Ahlefeldt . Shortly after his official assumption of office, Haxthausen resigned from this office on May 31, 1694, after constant disputes with the governor of the counties Gustav Wilhelm von Wedel . During his time in Oldenburg, Haxthausen also took part in other alliance negotiations in Denmark, for example in Dresden and from 1688 in Berlin , where Haxthausen replaced the Danish diplomat Christian von Lente as ambassador , who in turn was sent to Holland in this capacity. Haxthausen died unexpectedly in Berlin in 1694.


Haxthausen married Dorothea Justina born on April 6, 1689. von Aldenburg (1663–1735), a daughter of Anton I von Aldenburg and granddaughter of the Oldenburg Count Anton Günther von Oldenburg . This made him brother-in-law of Count Georg (Jürgen) Ernst von Wedel-Jarlsberg (1666-1717), who succeeded him as Oberlanddrost in Oldenburg and Delmenhorst. His son Christian Friedrich (1690–1740) was later raised to the rank of Oberlanddrost of the two counties and to the Danish count status.
