Anton von Pannewitz

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Anton von Pannewitz

Anton von Pannewitz (* 1659 in Kahren ; † October 1, 1731 in Tranitz ) was a Prussian lieutenant general , governor of the Peitz fortress and, most recently, head of his own "Pannewitz on foot regiment" .



Pannewitz was the son of the Brandenburg captain as well as state elder and director of the Cottbus district Christian von Pannewitz (1616–1679) and his wife Hedwig Sophia von Wulfen (* 1624; † January 28, 1707) from the Tempelberg family. His brother Ludolf was later a Prussian lieutenant general of the cavalry.

Military career

At the age of 14, Pannewitz became General von Arnim's page . Then he came to the General von der Schulenburg . After he died in Frankfurt am Main , he came to see a Swedish officer. When the war between Sweden and Brandenburg broke out, he was called to the flags by Elector Friedrich Wilhelm . Pannewitz stayed with the Brandenburg Army, fought in the War of the Spanish Succession and rose in the army. As early as 1698, as a colonel , he received a battalion of the Brandenburg Guard , which from then on was called the "Grenadier Guard" and later developed into the "Gerstorf Regiment on foot" . On May 31, 1703 he was appointed governor of the Peitz Fortress and on May 31, 1705 he was promoted to major general . As such, from April 15, 1713, he was chief of a battalion formed from the garrisons of Peitz, Memel and Friedrichsburg. On May 23, 1715 Pannewitz became lieutenant general and four months later his battalion formed the tribe for a new regiment. He himself then became chief of Infantry Regiment No. 13, whose previous chief Jacques L'Aumonier received his post as governor of the fortress Peitz.

On September 10, 1722, Pannewitz dined . He was the master of Tranitz as well as Groß- and Klein-Lieskow .


Pannewitz was married to Dorothea Elvira von Schlabrendorff .


Individual evidence

  1. Karl Friedrich Pauli : Life of great heroes of the present war , Volume 2, p. 223, digitized