Antonio Garibaldi

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Antonio Garibaldi (also Pietro Antonio Garibaldi ; born February 18, 1797 in Genoa , † June 16, 1853 in Paris ) was an Italian clergyman, curia bishop and diplomat of the Holy See .


He was ordained a priest on September 18, 1819 . On April 27, 1827 he was the Archigymnasium the Sapienza to the doctor of law doctorate . In 1827 he accompanied his patron Luigi Lambruschini , formerly Archbishop of Genoa , as an auditor , after he had been appointed nuncio in Paris. When Lambruschini gave up the nunciature due to disagreements with the government of King Louis-Philippe , he wrote to Cardinal Secretary of State Giuseppe Albani on October 16, 1830, to entrust Garibaldi with the business for the time being. After Lambruschini's departure, Garibaldi was appointed Chargé d'affaires of the Holy See in Paris on October 21, 1831 . Five years later, on June 29, 1836, at the insistence of Louis-Philippe, he was awarded the title of Internuntius and at the same time received the honorary title of House Prelate of His Holiness . After eleven years in office, he was replaced by Archbishop Raffaele Fornari on January 14, 1843 and returned to Rome.

On January 22, 1844, the Pope appointed Antonio Garibaldi titular Archbishop of Myra . He was ordained bishop on February 4th of the same year in Rome by Cardinal Lambruschini; Co- consecrators were the Latin Patriarch of Constantinople Fabio Maria Asquini and Archbishop Ludovico Tevoli . Antonio Garibaldi was appointed Nuncio in Naples on February 7, 1844, and shortly afterwards also Papal Assistant to the Throne . Six years later he was once again nuncio in Paris, where he died in 1853.


  • Philippe Bountry: Prélats Référendaires et officers de curie en fonctions sous la restauration (1814–1846) . In: Souverain et pontife. Recherches prosopographiques sur la Curie Romaine à l'âge de la Restoration (1814–1846) . École française de Rome, Rome 2002, margin no. 277–278 (French, online edition [accessed December 1, 2018]).

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