Antonio Lante Montefeltro della Rovere

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Antonio Lante Montefeltro della Rovere (also Antonio Lante ; * December 17, 1737 in Rome , † October 23, 1817 ibid) was an Italian cardinal of the Roman Church .


He came from one of the most distinguished families of the Roman nobility and was the son of Filippo Lante, 4th Duke of Bomarzo, and his first wife Maria Virginia Altieri. His half-brother Alessandro Lante also became cardinal with him. Other cardinals from the same family were Federico Marcello Lante della Rovere , a great-uncle, and Marcello Lante .

Antonio Lante Montefeltro della Rovere attended the Jesuit College in Turin and later the Collegio Clementino in Rome. He entered the service of the Curia as the Regens of the Apostolic Chamber . Pope Clement XIII. appointed him on March 24, 1763 as a trainee lawyer. Clement XIV allowed Lante's great-uncle, the cardinal, to pass the abbeys of Farfa and San Salvatore Maggiore on to his great-nephew Antonio while he was still alive . Antonio Lante Montefeltro della Rovere was governor of Benevento from December 14, 1764 to 1771 , but this in fact ended on June 11, 1768, when troops of the Kingdom of Naples occupied the city ​​and district of Benevento. From 1771 to 1777 he was an inquisitor in Malta . After returning from there, Pope Pius VI appointed. him on July 19, 1777 Governor of the brands , he held this position until 1785. As of February 14, 1785 he was cleric of the Apostolic Chamber and President of the Zecca , the Mint of the Papal States , he held this office for more than thirty years until to his cardinal elevation. In 1801 he became Dean of the Apostolic Chamber, from 1807 until the capture of Rome by French troops, he was Pro-Prefect of the Vatican Archives . After the re-establishment of the Papal States, Antonio Lante Montefeltro della Rovere regained his previous position on September 23, 1814.

Pope Pius VII elevated him to cardinal in pectore in the consistory of March 8, 1816 ; this was made public in the consistory of July 28, 1817. Antonio Lante Montefeltro della Rovere received the cardinal's hat on July 31 of the same year. On October 1, 1817, he was given Santi Quirico e Giulitta as the titular church .

Antonio Lante Montefeltro della Rovere was buried in the Roman church of San Nicola da Tolentino agli Orti Sallustiani in the family chapel.


  • Philippe Bountry: Le sacré collège des cardinaux . In: Souverain et pontife. Recherches prosopographiques sur la Curie Romaine à l'âge de la Restoration (1814–1846) . École française de Rome, Rome 2002, margin no. 427-429 (French, online edition [accessed April 17, 2020]).

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