Vicariate Apostolic Requena

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Vicariate Apostolic Requena
Basic data
Country Peru
Apostolic Vicar Juan Tomás Oliver Climent OFM
Vicar General Jesús Carballo Fernández
Faustino Zapico Ramos
surface 82,000 km²
Parishes 8 (31.12.2015 / AP2017 )
Residents 155,000 (December 31, 2015 / AP2017 )
Catholics 135,000 ( 12/31/2015 / AP2017 )
proportion of 87.1%
Diocesan priest 2 (31.12.2015 / AP2017 )
Religious priest 5 (31.12.2015 / AP2017 )
Catholics per priest 19,286
Friars 12 (31.12.2015 / AP2017 )
Religious sisters 20 (31.12.2015 / AP2017 )
rite Roman rite
Liturgical language Spanish

The Apostolic Vicariate of Requena ( lat. : Apostolicus Vicariatus Requenaënsis ) is in the northeast of Peru located Roman Catholic Apostolic Vicariate , located in Requena .


The Apostolic Vicariate Requena was founded by Pope Pius XII. Established on March 2, 1956, when the Apostolic Vicariate of San Francisco de Ucayali with the Apostolic Constitution Cum petierit, under the care of the Franciscans , was divided into the Apostolic Vicariates of Pucallpa , San Ramón and Requena. The Apostolic Vicariate Requena was entrusted to the Franciscans of the Peruvian Province of San Francisco de Solano del Perú .

Vicars Apostolic of Requena

See also

Web links


  1. ^ Conferencia Episcopal Peruana: Directorio Eclesiástico 2002 . CEP, Lima 2002, p. 1005.