Ariadne (ship, 1889)

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Ariadne p1
Ship data
flag German EmpireThe German Imperium German Empire France Persia Turkey
FranceFrance (national flag of the sea) 
PersiaPersia (trade flag) 
other ship names

Lady Gwendoline (1889–1891)
Milas (1923/24)
Denzili (1924)
Hayrullah (1924)

Ship type Paddle steamer
Shipyard J. McArthur & Co. , Paisley
Build number 59
Launch May 15, 1889
Whereabouts probably broken up in 1926
Ship dimensions and crew
64.25 m ( Lüa )
width 7.05 m
measurement 339 GRT
Machine system
machine 2-cylinder compound machine
210 hp (154 kW)
14 kn (26 km / h)
Transport capacities
Permitted number of passengers 500

The Ariadne was a side paddle steamer built in Scotland , which operated in the German seaside resort service to Helgoland and Sylt from 1890 to 1894 and served as a hospital ship for the French Navy during the First World War .

Construction and technical data

The ship was on 15 (or 16) in May 1889 at the shipyard of J. McArthur & Co. in Paisley ( Scotland ) with the hull number 59 as Lady Gwendoline for the shipping company Edwards, Robertson & Co. in Cardiff from the stack . It was 64.25 m long and 7.05 m wide (without the wheel arches ) and measured at 339 GRT . The two-cylinder compound steam engine from Bow McLachlan & Co. in Paisley developed 210 hpnom and gave a speed of 14 knots . The ship had a chimney and two masts and space for 500 deck passengers.


The Lady Gwendoline was supposed to be the showpiece of Edwards & Robertson and impress with its high speed, but from the beginning she suffered from a number of technical problems and industrial accidents, caused in no small part by improper handling of her steam boiler. This led to a legal dispute with the shipyard, which the shipping company lost. The episode with the Lady Gwendoline , which was very costly for the shipping company , became a critical turning point in its history, and the ship was sold in 1891.

The buyer was the young Hamburg entrepreneur Albert Ballin , who founded his Ballins Dampfschiff-Rhederei in 1889 and was involved in seaside resort traffic to Heligoland , Norderney and the North Frisian Islands . The ship was named Ariadne and drove for several years from Hamburg via Cuxhaven to the North Sea islands.

On August 27, 1895, HAPAG , whose general manager Ballin had been since 1899, bought the ship and moved it to Cherbourg . The Ariadne served there as a tender from 1896 and was managed by the local HAPAG agents.

With the outbreak of the First World War in August 1914, the ship was confiscated by France . In June 1915 it was requisitioned by the French Navy and then used as a hospital ship in Saloniki for the Corps expéditionnaire d'Orient during the Battle of Gallipoli .


Information on the future fate of the ship is vague. In June 1917 the ship was sold to unknown owners. In 1923 it was deleted from Lloyd's Register . In 1923/24 it was recorded as Milas under the Persian flag. Then it came into Turkish possession and in 1924 went under the name Denzili and finally Hayrullah . In 1925 the ship was no longer registered and it is said to have been scrapped in Istanbul in 1926 .

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