Arnold Kopelson

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Arnold Kopelson (born February 14, 1935 in New York City , New York - † October 8, 2018 in Beverly Hills , California ) was an American film producer .


Kopelson studied law at New York University . Before getting into film production, he worked as a lawyer in the entertainment industry. Together with his future wife, he founded the film production company Inter-Ocean Film Sales in 1972. He is also one of the founders of the American Film Market. Since the late 1970s he has appeared as a film producer.

Kopelson, who had a doctorate in law , produced films that grossed 17 Academy Award nominations and worldwide revenues of $ 2.5 billion.

He has also lectured on film at Harvard University and other universities in the United States.

From 2007 until September 2018 served on the board of CBS Corporation .

He was with Anne Kopelson , b. Feinberg, who co-supervised many of his films as an executive producer . She survived him, as did three children together.

Filmography (selection)

executive producer



In addition to an Oscar at the 1987 Academy Awards for Platoon , Kopelson was also nominated for the film Auf der Flucht 1994 .

Kopelson also won an Independent Spirit Award for Platoon .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Arnold Kopelson, Oscar-winning producer of 'Platoon,' dies at 83
  2. Cynthia Littleton: Arnold Kopelson, Oscar-Winning Producer of 'Platoon' and 'The Fugitive,' Dies at 83. In: August 10, 2018, accessed September 10, 2018 .

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