Arnulf II (Flanders)

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Arnulf II the Younger (Latin: Arnulfus iunior ; * around 961; † March 30, 987 ) was a Count of Flanders from the House of Flanders . He was the only son of Count Baldwin III. and Mathilde Billung, a daughter of Duke Hermann Billung of Saxony .


Arnulf's father already acted as co-regent of his grandfather, Count Arnulf I the Great , but died before him in 962. Thus Arnulf succeeded his grandfather of the same name in 964 as Count of Flanders. At that time, however, he was still underage, which is why his cousin, Balduin Baldzo († 973), took over the reign for him. Count Dietrich II of West Friesland immediately took advantage of this fact by temporarily occupying Ghent . At the same time, King Lothar seized the Ponthieu region in 965 , which he passed on to the Dux Hugo Capet and which was thus permanently lost to the Flemish counts. The first Counts of Guînes had also established themselves, which ended the border between Flanders and Normandy.

After Arnulf came of age in 976, he successfully attacked Mons that same year in league with his stepfather, Count Gottfried von Verdun . Because he had sided with Emperor Otto II against King Lothar at this time , he was attacked by the latter in 978, which resulted in the temporary loss of Artois , which was soon returned to him by the king. In the spring of 981, Arnulf also lost the strong castle of Montreuil to Hugo Capet and had to return the relics of the Saint-Bertin abbey to the Saint-Valery and Saint-Riquier abbeys , which his grandfather had stolen from there , in exchange for it . In 985 his stepfather fell into the captivity of King Lothar, which is why Arnulf sided with Hugo Capet in his last years and supported his election as king shortly before his death.

Arnulf II had been married to Rozala-Susanna of Italy (* around 956, † 1003), a daughter of King Berengar II of Italy , with whom he had two children, since around 968 :

Arnulf's son and successor were not of age when he died, which is why his widow married King Robert II the Pious in 988 in order to win him over as her son's protector. The king divorced her four years later.

Individual evidence

  1. Like his predecessors, Arnulf II carried the title “Margrave” ( marchio ), see among others: Annales Blandinienses , ed. P. Grierson (1973), p. 22. For his surname ( iunior ) see inter alia: Annales Elnonenses , ed. P. Grierson (1973), p. 152
predecessor Office successor
Arnulf I the Great Count of Flanders
Baldwin IV. Schönbart

Lit .: Renn, Heinz The first Luxembourg Count House (963-1136). (= Rheinisches Archiv 39), Bonn 1941, p. 136 Available: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library Lower Saxony State Library! ZEN! Zs 855: 39