Arthur Gloy

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Arthur Hermann Gloy (born April 26, 1867 in Kiel , † March 9, 1934 ibid) was a German high school teacher and local researcher.

Life and work as a teacher

Arthur Gloy was a son of Ehler Hermann Gloy (born March 7, 1832 in Kellinghusen ; † August 17, 1905 in Friedrichsort ) and his wife Alvida ( Alvilda ) Karoline Maria, née Christensen (born August 6, 1835 in Copenhagen ; † 3. May 1902 in Kiel). His father was a post office worker in Kiel.

Gloy contracted polio when she was preschool and has had severe walking difficulties ever since. From the fall of 1876 he studied at the Kiel School of Academics . One of his teachers was Karl Jansen, who among other things had written a biography about Uwe Jens Lornsen and who introduced Gloy to the country's history at an early age. At Easter 1887 he passed his school leaving examination and began studying at the University of Kiel. In 1889/90 he attended the University of Göttingen for two semesters. He mostly heard history and geography, as well as classical philology, Nordic languages ​​and German studies. He had a special relationship with his later doctoral supervisor Otto Krümmel .

Gloy received his doctorate at the end of 1892 on "Contributions to settlement studies in Northern Albingen". In spring 1893 he passed the state examination. He then looked for sources on the history and topography of the Hademarschen parish in several archives for the merchant W. Volckens from Altona . In the fall of 1893 he began his seminar year at the Christianeum . After that, despite his disability, he succeeded in teaching and doing research on local history. In November 1894 he took over an apprenticeship at the Kiel secondary school Knooper Weg . From the school year 1897/98 he also taught geography, history and German at the affiliated Reform Realgymnasium. At the end of 1898 he was promoted to senior teacher.

At the beginning of the school year 1903/04 Gloy went to Oberrealschule I, today's Hebbelschule , together with four other senior teachers and three classes , and was one of the first teachers to teach in the newly founded school. From the beginning he also looked after the school's teaching material collection for the subjects geography and history. From the 1905/06 school year he also offered historical excursions in the form of city tours and museum visits. Due to austerity measures taken by the Prussian government, he went into early retirement in 1924.

Working as a local researcher

Goy's major achievements were in the area of ​​local history. He joined the Society for Kiel City History at an early age and was involved in its board from 1903 to 1921. For his historical research he could only use the school holidays for lengthy research in archives. In addition to his interest in the history of the region, he was also interested in its geography.

In 1894 he worked with "The course of Germanization in Olst-Holstein" close to the topic of his doctorate. In 1901 he created the "Contributions to the History of Serfdom in Holstein", in 1904 he published the "Pictures from the Past of the Preetz Monastery". With his "History and Topography of the Parish Hademarschens" he intended to initiate research into the history of the rural regions of the former Rendsburg office.

During his research, Gloy discovered a manuscript by the former legal advisor Hinrich Jürgens from the year 1820 in the Hanerau estate archive. He processed this topography in his book on Hademarschen and in 1897 created a separate topography for the Drage estate. From 1897 he wanted to write about "The old office of Kronshagen". He was only able to start doing this after the foundation stone was laid for the new office and parish hall in 1910. In 1914 he had finished the work. He mostly worked with archives and rarely with oral records. The chronicle of the community, published in 1971, was created on the basis of this book.

Gloy was in charge of the Schleswig-Holstein version of the “German Reading Book”. The five-volume work for Sexta to Untersekunda was created with the participation of P. Hellwig, P. Hirt and U. Zernial. According to the Prussian curriculum from 1892, German lessons were to take a central position in secondary schools and also to promote history lessons in the lower classes. In addition, contributions by local authors on the history, cultural studies and literature of the home region should be included. In order to take into account the importance of overseas trade and the navy in the politics of the empire, Gloy also chose reports from the German colonies and the seafaring. A contemporary reviewer praised this as the first book to cover local history in high school classes.

In addition to his textbook, Gloy worked on the supplementary booklet “Regional Studies of the Province of Schleswig-Holstein” intended for geography lessons. The work was based on an original version by Otto Scholz, which Otto Doormann had continued. In 1917 Gloy published a completely revised version and incorporated current political issues, such as the strategic location of Heligoland .

At the request of Peter Christian Hansen , Gloy then dealt with the unfinished dissertation of his son Hans, who was killed in 1916 during the war. From this in 1917 the “Contributions to the History of the Great Green Rifle Guild of Kiel” emerged in machine-readable form. Gloy wrote his own final chapter, in which he presented the work of the guild in the context of the general history of the city. He critically described the destruction of the historic city that began in 1870.

Goy's best-known book came out on Christmas 1925. He had already collected documents for this before the beginning of World War I , especially contributions from sources that are difficult to obtain. The book was entitled “From Kiel's past and present. A home book for young and old ”. In addition, he wrote several articles in which he occasionally re-used his own older publications. Gloy did not want to work up the history of Kiel chronologically, but did not want to create interrelated individual representations that described the historical Kiel and its inhabitants.

Gloy wrote many articles about town and local history for Kiel daily newspapers, local history magazines and journals. He tried to reach the largest possible readership and to address their historical interest. In doing so, he was able to see what was popular with readers. In the last years of his life he published in particular on the history of the Schleswig-Holstein survey and the resulting military conflicts.

In 1910 Gloy was appointed professor.


Gloy married Christine ( Christiane ) Margarethe Werner on October 2, 1896 (born April 3, 1870 in Friedrichstadt , † June 25, 1942 in Kropp ). The couple had three daughters and one son.


  • Sigrid Wriedt: Gloy, Arthur . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , pages 126-128.

Web links

  • Personal card and
  • Franz Kössler (Hrsg.): Personal dictionary of teachers of the 19th century: Gabel - Guzy , University Library Gießen 2007, digitized

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Sigrid Wriedt: Gloy, Arthur . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 126.
  2. ^ Sigrid Wriedt: Gloy, Arthur . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 126.
  3. ^ Sigrid Wriedt: Gloy, Arthur . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 126.
  4. ^ Sigrid Wriedt: Gloy, Arthur . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 126.
  5. ^ Sigrid Wriedt: Gloy, Arthur . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 127.
  6. ^ Sigrid Wriedt: Gloy, Arthur . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 127.
  7. ^ Sigrid Wriedt: Gloy, Arthur . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 127.
  8. ^ Sigrid Wriedt: Gloy, Arthur . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 127.
  9. ^ Sigrid Wriedt: Gloy, Arthur . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 127.
  10. ^ Sigrid Wriedt: Gloy, Arthur . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , pages 127-128.
  11. ^ Sigrid Wriedt: Gloy, Arthur . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 128.
  12. ^ Sigrid Wriedt: Gloy, Arthur . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 128.
  13. ^ Sigrid Wriedt: Gloy, Arthur . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 128.